I have been eyeing SJP's Covet for a long time now - the very conflicting reviews that have been written about it (Now Smell This, MakeupAlley, Fragrantica, Basenotes, The Scented Salamander, Blogdorf Goodman) drew my attention to it - and after having it for a while, I'm definitely a "lover" (funniest of the reviews went like this: A woodland elf eats a Hershey's Bliss Dark Chocolate bar and then farts on a fern). I started to pay more attention to this scent when it was labelled as one of the best celebrity scents ever made (for I always thought they're all sickly sweet monstrosities) and good enough to compete with niche fragrances.
I have a problem with most perfumes - most of them turn nauseatingly sweet on me (for instance the insanely popular Versace's Bright Chrystal reacts godawfully with my body chemistry) and some even cause headaches (especially those fresh melony-cucumbery smells). I think it's only smart when I therefore turn to scents, that most people find either controversial or just plain hate.
Covet was released in 2007 and as far as I know, has been discontinued. It was something that SJP herself orchestrated and Coty brought to life. I'll test it some more and if I like it a lot, I'll get one more as backup. It's still possible to get it from eBay and some other discounter-type stores, much cheaper than the original price - mind you.
Perfume is an 50 ml EDP and has been a little used. Color is pleasant woody yellowy green and the bottle looks quite sophisticated if one will just forget about the (plastic floral shaped) cap. To my nose it resembles more a masculine scent, it's very fresh at first, fresh, a bit bitter and murky. In time it changes into something very warm and natural on my skin, I cannot smell it myself, it blends with my body's natural scent and seems to become a part of me. So far I really really like it. Very wearable.

PS! The other perfume I have been sniffing a lot lately is D&G's Le Bateleur 1. Seems like a perfect fresh day scent for me. The universally popular and beloved L'Imperatrice 3 is to sweet, again :S. L'Amoureaux 6 the worst, gaggingly saccharine. La Lune 18 was weak and had no character.
All I have to do is look around for a while until Le Bateleur gets discounted :) or, get it as a Christmas present for "him".
PS! The other perfume I have been sniffing a lot lately is D&G's Le Bateleur 1. Seems like a perfect fresh day scent for me. The universally popular and beloved L'Imperatrice 3 is to sweet, again :S. L'Amoureaux 6 the worst, gaggingly saccharine. La Lune 18 was weak and had no character.
All I have to do is look around for a while until Le Bateleur gets discounted :) or, get it as a Christmas present for "him".
PPS! added July 2011: Covet is definitely not my winter perfume - turned nasty on dry skin. But during the summer's heatwawe it's a different perfume altogether. SJP is told to like "body odor" kind of scents and this one is marvellous when the weather is hot and skin gets moist. This perfume needs sweat, blood and guts to reveal it's full potential!
Perfume was nice on you
I loved this comment! "I think it's only smart when I therefore turn to scents, that most people find either controversial or just plain hate."
Had to come here and check out your blog. Liking it :)
My personal favourite frag. at the time is Chance by Chanel. Always takes a long time to find the perfect one for one's skin!
Thank you :).
I hope you'll find something useful too amongst all the trivial stuff :)
I tried Chanel, No 5 is probably something I might wear in my 50s, but I find Chanel in general a bit out of my price range :S
I aggree, it's a bit expencive for me too. This one was a gift from me to me and teherfor I just went for it ;)
I usually go for the more afforable ones. I like DKNY's scents a lot.
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