This one is something i tried to do using the bright blue that i usually avoid cause it adds 30 yrs to me. And makes me look like lady of questionable morals. Well - unfortunately it did not turn out so good initially - and as I mended it later by adding a 'lil green in the middle and some off white in inner corners (improved the overall look a lot, i must say) I forgot to take the new pictures :D. So these two here are not the actual finished looks.

TKB Trading's Pop! Collection again, this time
Lemon Drop and
Blueberry. Later I added some
Green Apple on the moving part of the lid, just above the iris and some EDM's
Pearl Sunlight in the inner corners to tone down the excess yellowness. It looked pretty good after that.

These photos are actually very helpful - they help me to see, if the color is evenly spread or still needs to be blended. Educating. Ppl usually keep it to themselves when something is amiss in your face but the camera does not lie.
Meigist enda jaoks piltide tegemine on tegelt vägagi vajalik. Kui muid katsejäneseid pole ja iseenda peal harjutama peab, siis on väga raske hinnata, kas toonid said nüüd sümmeetriliselt peale kantud võiet kas toonide üleminekud on sujuvalt välja tulnud.
Nendel piltidel siin on hästi näha see, et kahe tooni vaheline üleminek on liiga järsk - seepärast lisasin pärast keskele, iirise kohale rohelise täpi ning veidi heledamat tooni silma sisenurka - see muutis mulje veidi sujuvamaks.
Kuidas sa oma meigist pilte teed? Ma tahtsin ka teha aga ei tule valja ei valguga ega valguta. Vaiksed nouanded "suurelt oekeselt" oleks vaga teretulnud.
Vaata koht, kus poleks otsest päikesevalgust aga mis oleks siiki hästi valgustatud, siis pane kaamera režiimi, mis lubaks lähedalt pilte teha (30-40cm) ja pane tähele, et ta ikka fokusseeriks. Siis tee vähemalt 15-20 võtet, eri nurkadest.
Kasuta neid, mis hästi välja kukuvad. :)
Kui kasutad MMU'd siis ole ettevaatlik - TiO2 läigib korralikult kaamerasse.
Aitah. Proovin teha.
Thank you for your informative post, I really appreciate it! I know that there are some people who are looking for the best product in terms of beauty health care and I found the juhldal.
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