Kõigepealt on MAD Minerals'i Light concealer, Fair ja Fairly Light;
Nende all Everyday Minerals'i Intensive Fair concealer, Fair Neutral (semi-matte), Ivory (original glow), Sandy Fair (matte);
Archetype Cosmetics'i 3 foundit unustasin täiesti - ma segasin need kõik kokku, sest oma heleduse tõttu polnud neil mu nahal erilist toonivahet. Kuna pakendid olid veel alles, sain swatchida puhtalt Neutral'i ja Yellow Beige (mõlemad Striptease retsept, heledaim tase), Pink Beige pakend polnud säilinud. Snow White on toon, mida kasutatakse Archetype foundide heledamaks segamisel. Talvel läheb vaja.
Archetype omad segunevad kõik suurepäraselt veega .
All paremal nurgas swatchisin veega ka mõned viimistluspuudrid/highlighterid:
Ocean Mist' i Silken Perfection ei segune veega, kuid see pole ka selle toote juures kuigi oluline. Lemmikud on MAD'i Satin Glow ja Signature Minerals'i Radiance.
Hilisem lisandus:
The Conservatorie foundide swatchid paberil:
(the pictures on The Conservatorie homepage are deceiving - there the Honey's 2 fairest look almost gray while IRL they are orange)
Conservatoriest tellisin Caramel Light, Caramel Light Medium, Honey Light, Honey Light Medium, Honey Medium testrid ning ka ühe meigipõhja testri (ja muud pudi-padi). Kõik on kõige kallim segu (Premium+) välja arvatud Honey Light, mis on Deluxe segu. Panin sellele nimelt lootusi, et kõige tõenäolisemalt minu värv kuid eksisin.
Some more swatches on skin: here's the Signature Minerals haul from summer 2008 swatched on skin (did not have a camera then):
Signature Minerals offers free samples and the shipping is 7.65 USD. The bad thing about it is that the free sample kit only allowed 1 foundation to be tested. I think they have removed this limitation by now...
And here's the Ocean Mist haul of samples swatched on the arm (swatches made dry, no primer):
Seafoam Green concealer
Buttermilk (for Asian skin, definite yellow)
Elegant Nude blush and
Silken Perfection finishing powder
IMHO Silk and Vanilla are the best for me.
Ocean Mist offers free samples but the shipping for those is like 8.30 USD. Since I chose 2 more foundis to be tested, the entire haul was 10.60 USD.
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