Archetype Cosmetics Cicatrix dry, same color wet as eyeliner (dark grey with golden green shine)
Erotic Underground dry all over lid, Blue Steel as liner
Erotic Underground wet all over lid, Burlesque Revival as highlighter. I must say these colors are impossible to photograph with my camera: EU looks dull gray and BR even lighter dull grey while IRL the first is purplish silver in daylight (greenish silver in artificial) and the second has distinctive pink sheen.
Now a little something with Midnight Aeval and Daybreak Aeval that are to go together.
Unfortunately the camera distorts the colors - Daybreak Aeval is actually greener then the light blue on the pictures.
This next set of photos is made in daylight (overcast, no flash) with Empty Heart, brownish grey with blue glitter.
The glitter is totally invisible on the photos.
First two dry:
These swatches are made 6 hrs after putting on the makeup so the look is not very fresh. Silk powder is used as primer, Signature Mineral's Porcelain as foundi on eyes, rest of the face is Conservatorie Caramel light. Colors used are Corpse Candle dry all over lid (liner too, applied wet) and Glass Coffin to blend in the harsh line under the browbone.
Corpse Candle is a verry pretty tourquoise-like tone, Glass Coffin is very sheer, also blue-based sparkling tone. The photos are made during a winter afternoon so the light is very blue and dim.
Now again some light greens: Back to the Sea all over lid, dry, Weeping Willow is used dry to blend the colors under the brow bone. Liner is Simply Natural's Twilight.
These two are taken in daylight:
The same in artificial light:
Twilight and Back to the Sea resemble each other but the first one has golden sparks where Twilight has silvery sheen.
Now to browns and golds. This look is done with 4 colors. Highlighter is Dirty Blonde, all over color is Child of Hounds, outer V is Xibalba (reminds me of Simply Naturals' Cafe Satin) and the only color used wet is Yowie the Night Beast as liner.
First 2 photos are made in daylight.
More browns: Simply Naturals' Sandlewood is used as eyeshadow base (strongly pigmented dark brown). Queen of the Nile all over lid, inner corners Valley of the Kings (strong bright coppery metallic), same color is used just under the browbone. Dirty Blonde as highlighter and Ornaments of Gold wet as liner.
Photos are taken in daylight, some 5 hours after application - the colors are a little faded, especially on the right lid.
Some other green colors that do not impress me much - tried to make something out of them:
Caramel Light as primer again, Venus Fly Trap all over lid, Transylvanian Concubine in outer V ans wet as liner, then tried to blend Transylvanian Concubine with Bela's Grave but chose wrong - the result was bad. So grabbed Child of Hounds instead.
This here is an attempt to show Burlesque Revival in all its glory but the attempt failed miserably - the pink glow just isn't visible on the photo. Picture light grey with pink sheen.
I chose very few blues and purples from Archetype, so here's one of the purples: the Witching Hour (dry). A lot of fallout and does not stick to the eyelids at all - tends to leave the lids unevenly covered in only 30 minutes. Primer was EDM's intensive fair concealer.
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