Wednesday, December 30

EOTD Green: mostly Cyprus Green

It' so nice to have ones own photographer at hand... today pics with and without flash. Pics taken in daylight at 14.00 pm - those who live in northern countries understand the importance of (and appreciate) this little piece of info. :P Some are done using flash. The eyes are unevenly done, discovered it only after the pics were taken.

Colors used:
Cyprus  Green all over lid and wet as liner
Shamrock in the crease and above
Glimmer Green in inner corners
Hilite Green used for blending upwards.
Swatches done dry, with flash.
The browbone is later blended using the EDM's Intensive Fair concealer which is also the foundi.
EDM's Pearl Sunlight under the eyes as usual.

 in natural light:

in artificial light:

Tuesday, December 29

EOTD Beige-Gold

Today something simple and elegant and metallic.

Artisan Coral all over lid
Apricot all around it in the crease and Ivory Lace on the browbone.
All colors applied dry, I think I also forgot to use primer.

Very subtle and elegant look, has quote high sheen and colors themselves do not show up on the photos. Artisan Coral and Apricot are both similar in texture and sheen and therefore go well together. Picture is taken 3 hrs after application in fading daylight.

Apricot looks a bit like Conservatorie's Gold Earth but the latter is pinkish while Apricot is more yellow-orange.
Angel Wings as blush, EDM's Intensive Fair concealer as foundi and EDM's Pearl Sunlight under the eyes.

Totally forgot the eyeliner... Simply Naturals' Sandlewood would have made it better. This one needs a stronger color - in the crease and outer corners. Otherwise I just look tired on the photos.

Monday, December 28

EOTD Dark Red

Nägin avarustes ühte punast suitsusilma ja tahtsin midagi sarnast teha: And they have a plan... aga tuli veidi teine välja. Lillakam, roosakam, kirjum, khm - ebaühtlasem.

Kasutatud värvid:

Deep Russet üle lau;
Blackstar Red välisnurkades ja silmavaos;
Hilite Red'iga hajutasin tumedat joont kulmuluu poole;
Smokey XXX alumisel laul lainerina, välisnurkades ning silmavao kohal, kust hajutades värvi liiga maha kraapisin;
Crucible Red niiskelt ülemine lainer ja
Angel Wings silmanurkades.

Selline nägi välja siis, kui peale kantud vaid 2 värvi: Deep Russet üle lau ja Blackstar Red välisnurgas ja silmavaos.

Nüüd siis juba lõpetatud silmad:

This look  tries to copy the look Anastasia has on her blog And they have a plan... but mine is a bit more pinkish and uneven. No primer is used here. And the Ecotools eyeshadow brush really sucks with Blackstar Red - instead of applying it it seems to rub it off instead. What can I say - the less light the better it looks. A lot more sparkle in artificial light - these pics are all taken in daylight.

Sunday, December 27

TKB Trading Hilites

These can be very useful when blending but I'd never use them for highlighting the brow bone unless I would be working in a circus. The only exception would probably be the Satin Orange Gold mica - less aggressive sheen.

Satin Orange Gold
Hilite Red mica
Hilite Copper mica
Hilite Orange mica
Hilite Blue mica
Hilite Violet mica
Hilite Green mica
Hilite Gold mica

They're very sheer and adhere well. A tiny piece advice - try them over a dark base! Any darker shade of eyeliner pencil will do ;).

Saturday, December 26

TKB Trading pigments: yellows and golds

This time no primer and all swatches are foiled.

From top to bottom:

(The Conservatorie's) 18 K Gold mica
(The Conservatorie's) Xian Vistas mica
Lemon Drop Pop!
Lotsa Lime (Edda's set)
Radiant Gold
24 K Gold (too glittery)
Tangerine Pop!
Crucible Khaki
Forged Gold (same as Simply Natural's Fools Gold)
Bronzed Gold
Bronze Fine
Crucible Gold
Crucible Red (dark purplish red, gorgeous)
Copper Penny

I adore the metallic colors... they stick well and have good coverage. I did not like the 24 Karat Gold much cause it is really way too glittery.

Friday, December 25

TKB Trading pigments: the beiges

Its 14.00 and light is almost gone. Here's the best I could do:

From top to bottom and left to right: Artisan Coral, Oriental Beige, Dusty Rose, Apricot, Winter Rose, Echo and Ivory Lace.

Swatches are done dry over a thin layer of primer.

TKB Trading pigments: blues and greens

From top to bottom:
Totally Teal (Edda's set)
Pisces Blue
Blueberry Pop!
Indian Blue
Capricorn Sea
Cyprus Green
Taurus Orion
Apple Green Pop!
Shamrock (very similar to Simply Naturals' Juniper)
Glimmer Green
Lotsa Lime (Edda's set)
Breath of Spring.

Unfortunately the brush was contaminated and Breath of Spring looks smeared. Capricorn Sea does not look good without primer and does not look good with primer either, on this photo... Lotsa Lime is more like greenish yellow then a green color. The blues look a lot alike, the best one imho is Indian Blue - love the golden green sheen.

And definitely - need to buy a fresh eye makeup base.

Here's Capricorn Sea as nailpolish:
I still do not like it - but it looks a lil' bit better in artificial light - less matte.

Here's the Zodiac set all together:


Who wants the Zodiacs? They do not appeal to me... my brushes do not like them and vice versa, they do not adhere well.

TKB Trading pigments: purples and pinks

It's an overcast day but I hope colors are recognizable.
I was thinking of making only dry swatches but the Sagittarius looks so crappy when applied dry and without primer that I decided to add primed swatches too.

Colors from bottom to top (or left to right on the lower picture) are:

Blackstar Red, Smokey XXX, Deep Russet, Chameleon Fine, Athena, Aster Hue, Sagittaire, Grape Pop, Pure Purple (Edda's set), Apple Blossom, Angel Wings and Pink Crystal. If one uses pigments without primer, I suggest not to get Sagittaire, Grape Pop and Pure Purple if you have blue eyes, and Pink Crystal. Pink Crystal is imho unwearable on it's own - it feels a bit coarse like pure glitter.

My primer has dried out, must buy a new one - totally unblendable!

Thursday, December 24

EOTD Pink: new TKB stuff

Light is still crappy today, cant shoot swatches. And must start preparing the dinner too. But here's some pink eyes:

Aster Hue outer corners and crease, Smokey XXX in the crease, Apple Blossom all over lid, Angel Wings blended upwards from the crease and in inner corners, Pink Crystal wet as liner on lower  lids.

And the light is gone...

Wednesday, December 23

Oh happy day - TKB haul has arrived

This time around I also ordered 4 ounces of the eyeshadow base and a pretty big heap of oxides (all samples) from TKB Trading  - going to try my own mixing. Cant wait to get home and start the repotting and swatching - though I suspect the short winter day may not be long enough for a successful photo session.
Order was shipped via USPS Priority Mail on December 11 and arrived December 23.

 This is now some time later, here's most of them nicely potted - ran out of jars eventually...

 I did not bother with the Sparks! collection - I do not like sparks that much and wont be using them in everyday do's. Mostly for formulating. Too bad no jars were left over for the oxides... I did not consider the Zodiacs to be worthy of potting either.

TKB kraam on poolfabrikaadid - st nad pole valmis segatud lauvärvid, puuduvad magneesiummüristaat,  boornitriit jms siduvad komponendid. Nad on kantavad (mõningate eranditega) ainult meigi aluskreemi kasutades, siis püsivad hästi peal. Osad on nii läbikumavad, et õige tooni saab kätte vaid niiskelt peale kandes (Edda Got Attitude! komplekt näiteks, ja siis need sodiaagi-värvid).

Sunday, December 20

EOTD Green: Apple mixed with Tangerine

TKB Trading's Pop! Collection is very bright - yes, but has no good coverage on it's own. I think these micas lack adhesion and coverage. They are high in sheen but when looked at from another angle - the skin shines through. Good if used on top of MAC paint pots etc but not on their own.

Another lesson learned today - blending is a tricky job. Especially when trying to blend the Pop! micas - they disappear...

Colors used: Tangerine+Green Apple mix (50-50) all over lid, Blueberry in the crease, Lemon Drop above the crease and all blended down. Picture taken in artificial light, much brighter irl.

And the same mix (50%Green Apple-50% Tangerine) in daylight, next day. Same color used wet as liner too. Minimum blending - used Conservatorie's 18K Gold to blend upwards from the crease.

EOTD Brown: The Conservatorie's Super Brilliant Mocha mica

Super Brilliant Mocha is one of Conservatorie's loveliest micas: shiny, sparkly and adheres well. I am a bit displeased with Simply Naturals's Polished Silver, it's not as smooth as I would like and it's particles are too big for my liking. When I ordered I thought of getting silvery sheen  but instead got silver sparkle. TKB's Pisces Blue is not adhering well if used just as plain mica - it falls off. The shine particles are too big - if u want blue with golden sheen, order Ocean Green instead (which I did not but now I know better).

Colors used here are:

Manhattan's eye makeup base all over lids
EDM's Pearl Sunlight under the eyes
Super Brilliant Mocha mica all over lid
Polished Silver in the crease, blending upwards
TKB's Pisces Blue wet as liner
EDM's intensive fair concealer as base
TKB's Winter Rose as blush.

While editing the EOTD's I realized: effect would have been better if I would have used Pisces Blue in the crease as well. Pictures are taken in daylight by the window. Blush is totally invisible.

Here's some pictures taken 7 hrs later: the makeup stayed on quite well except on the chin which was hidden in multiple layers of the shawl.The foundation rubbed off. I think most ladies  living in colder climates have trouble with washing their shawls and coat collars quite often - cause they're covered in foundation.

Wednesday, December 16

Skin during winter

It was -15 degrees Celcius this morning, quite cold. I wrap myself in my scarf but still the cold gets through - especially the skin around the eyes looks like crap. As I step through the door I look as if suffering from a serious skin condition - red patches under the eyes.

Unfortunately I forgot to take a FOTD but - there's still time tomorrow. Skin suffers a lot right now - needs special heavy creams in the evening (got a tester of Dr. Hauschka's quince cream just for this, the rose cream was already sold out) and careful moisturization, gets flaky otherwise. Oil cleansing method is the way to go right now - no soaps whatsoever allowed. And absolutely no water on the face in the morning! The skin's own sebum is the best thing for skin when it's this cold outside, all cleansing procedures must be kept for the evening.

The cold wave is here to stay until Christmas at least. The good thing is - it's not cloudy! We can actually see the Sun!

PS! I am aware that I do not use the Dr. Hauschka products as they were intended - Hauschka's entire skin care routine is exactly the opposite - the cream should be applied in the morning and no products used when going to bed...

Thursday, December 10

Just musing: Lumiere prebuy brushes pictures look surprisingly like EDM brushes, don't they?

Has anyone else noticed the similarity between EDM eye kabuki, eye kabuki jr, dome blending brush etc?

Lumiere's pre buy brushes

EDM's brushes

the ferrules, handles and bristles are of different colors but the proportions of the brushes seem to match 100% - are they the same?

Sunday, December 6

Langetatakse käibemaksuvaba impordi piirmäära!

Sel aastal on vaja kiiresti ära teha igasugused tellimused sest alates 1. jaanuarist langetatakse käibemaksuvabastust 150 eurolt ehk 2347-lt kroonilt 344 kroonile (vt siit)! (Lisaks peab palvetama, et pakk enne 1. jaanuari ka kohale jõuab - pühade aegu kaunis ebatõenäoline.)

See tähendab, et IGA TELLITUD PAKK mille väärtus ületab 344 krooni läheb TOLLIMISELE. See tähendab, et kui ise pabereid täita ei oska/viitsi, maksad Eesti Postile käitlemiskulu ca 100 eeku ja sinna otsa siis veel õnnetu käibemaksu 20%. Kui paki maksumus jääb alla 2347.- krooni, siis tollimaksu iseenesest maksma ei pea.

Iga 344.- kroonist kallim pakk läheb edaspidi maksma (X tähistab kauba maksumust ja saatmiskulu):

1,2 * X + 100=

Palju õnne meile kõigile ja suured tänud rahandusministeeriumile toreda jõulukingi eest!

Just a rant: Estonian Ministry of Finance has lowered the tax free margin of imports: all purchases ordered outside EU that are more then 22 euros will now be taxed with VAT (20%). The limit used to be 150 euros. The duty free limit still remains at 150 euros since that is set by the EU common law. Merry Christmas, everyone!

Thursday, December 3

EOTD Green: Apple etc

The colors look dirty and the blending is crappy work. Perhaps should get better lighting in the bedroom... for colors used check out the first pic, the colors are listed there. Next time I'll try add a little blue to the mix. Seekord on paras segadus, tahtsin kasutada toone, mida ma iseenesest koos ei kasutaks: TKB Apple (üle lau) ning Bronzed Gold (silmavaos). Aga et seda söödavaks teha, pidin veel toone lisama ja vägagi palju hajutama. Rohelise pehmendamiseks panin peale veidi Lemon Drop'i (peamiselt silmanurkadesse) ning välisnurkadesse Conservatorie Brown Coco't.

Üle hulga aja kasutasin ka Archetype foundit Yellow Beige lev 1 ja see ON hetkel veel liiga hele mu jaoks. Põsepunaks läks MAD Minerals'i Baby Bronze segatud Simply Naturals'i Heliotrope'ga, mis juba pintslis oli.

Veidi määrdunud mulje jätab ja pole ka kõige sümmeetrilisem tulemus.

Wednesday, December 2

EOTD Purple: bruises, bruises

See on nüüd suurepärane näide kehvast hajutamisest...

Seekord Simply Naturalsi Cafe Satin üle lau (hõbeläikega tuhmjaspruun), TKB Grape silmavaos ja Ivory Lace sisenurkades muljet pehmendamas. Oleks pidanud seda lillat veidi rohkem hajutama, sest hetkel on kinnisilmi-piltidel veidike ülespekstud mulje. Seekord jäi Pearl Sunlight panemata ja meigipõhjaks tavaline EDMi Intensive Fair concealer, viskasin veidi Sandy Beige' ka hulka - olen valgemaks muutunud. Põsepunana kasutasin seekord Simply Naturals'i Heliotrope'i.

The bruised look - not enough blending. TKB's Grape is dominating the entire look. Did not use any highlighters today and it shows (under the eyes). Heliotrope as blush.

8 tundi hiljem/8 hrs later