Kasutatud värvid:
Deep Russet üle lau;
Blackstar Red välisnurkades ja silmavaos;
Hilite Red'iga hajutasin tumedat joont kulmuluu poole;
Smokey XXX alumisel laul lainerina, välisnurkades ning silmavao kohal, kust hajutades värvi liiga maha kraapisin;
Crucible Red niiskelt ülemine lainer ja
Angel Wings silmanurkades.
Selline nägi välja siis, kui peale kantud vaid 2 värvi: Deep Russet üle lau ja Blackstar Red välisnurgas ja silmavaos.
Nüüd siis juba lõpetatud silmad:
This look tries to copy the look Anastasia has on her blog And they have a plan... but mine is a bit more pinkish and uneven. No primer is used here. And the Ecotools eyeshadow brush really sucks with Blackstar Red - instead of applying it it seems to rub it off instead. What can I say - the less light the better it looks. A lot more sparkle in artificial light - these pics are all taken in daylight.
Great ! I'm thinking of doing this kind of dark and intense look for the new year's eve. I love the colours you choose :)
ReplyDeleteradiant pale skin + light hair + beautiful doll eyes + great and simple make up = <3