Sunday, December 27

TKB Trading Hilites

These can be very useful when blending but I'd never use them for highlighting the brow bone unless I would be working in a circus. The only exception would probably be the Satin Orange Gold mica - less aggressive sheen.

Satin Orange Gold
Hilite Red mica
Hilite Copper mica
Hilite Orange mica
Hilite Blue mica
Hilite Violet mica
Hilite Green mica
Hilite Gold mica

They're very sheer and adhere well. A tiny piece advice - try them over a dark base! Any darker shade of eyeliner pencil will do ;).


  1. TKB postitused panevad ahhetama, samas teevad kurvaks. Mul ostukorvis päris kopsakas tellimus ootas uut aastat. Nüüd jääb see ilmselt tegemata. See on super, et said oma paki ikka veel 2009. kätte.:) Ilusat vana-aasta lõppu!

  2. See rahaminni trikk oli tõesti veidi alatu - me olime juba kõik nii harjunud 2000se piiriga. Loodetavasti on TKB-l ka mõni ale tulemas ja saad tellimuse ikka kätte - pigmendid on tõesti ilusad. Soovitan vältida igasugu glitterdavaid asju sest need ei püsi iseenesest eriti hästi peal - vajavad sidumist. Rohkem õnne uueks aastaks :)

    PS! Iseenesest on teisel hulgimüüjal, The Conservatoriel ale 1. jaanuaril - kõikidest tellimustest 25% off. Ainuke asi - nende testrid on 2/3 väiksemad kui TKB-l :S.

  3. Hi where do you get those bottle where ou hold your micas?
    I know that you wrote that you can get them in some medical supply store...
    but not sure

  4. These are Sarstedt jars, google them with "jars" in hrvatski, there might be a wholesaler there too. The place I got mine from sells all sorts of lab stuff like petri dishes and test tubes. Since your country is bigger then mine, I am absolutely sure they have them or something quite like it :)
    good luck for the hunt!
