Wednesday, December 23

Oh happy day - TKB haul has arrived

This time around I also ordered 4 ounces of the eyeshadow base and a pretty big heap of oxides (all samples) from TKB Trading  - going to try my own mixing. Cant wait to get home and start the repotting and swatching - though I suspect the short winter day may not be long enough for a successful photo session.
Order was shipped via USPS Priority Mail on December 11 and arrived December 23.

 This is now some time later, here's most of them nicely potted - ran out of jars eventually...

 I did not bother with the Sparks! collection - I do not like sparks that much and wont be using them in everyday do's. Mostly for formulating. Too bad no jars were left over for the oxides... I did not consider the Zodiacs to be worthy of potting either.

TKB kraam on poolfabrikaadid - st nad pole valmis segatud lauvärvid, puuduvad magneesiummüristaat,  boornitriit jms siduvad komponendid. Nad on kantavad (mõningate eranditega) ainult meigi aluskreemi kasutades, siis püsivad hästi peal. Osad on nii läbikumavad, et õige tooni saab kätte vaid niiskelt peale kandes (Edda Got Attitude! komplekt näiteks, ja siis need sodiaagi-värvid).

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