Wednesday, December 16

Skin during winter

It was -15 degrees Celcius this morning, quite cold. I wrap myself in my scarf but still the cold gets through - especially the skin around the eyes looks like crap. As I step through the door I look as if suffering from a serious skin condition - red patches under the eyes.

Unfortunately I forgot to take a FOTD but - there's still time tomorrow. Skin suffers a lot right now - needs special heavy creams in the evening (got a tester of Dr. Hauschka's quince cream just for this, the rose cream was already sold out) and careful moisturization, gets flaky otherwise. Oil cleansing method is the way to go right now - no soaps whatsoever allowed. And absolutely no water on the face in the morning! The skin's own sebum is the best thing for skin when it's this cold outside, all cleansing procedures must be kept for the evening.

The cold wave is here to stay until Christmas at least. The good thing is - it's not cloudy! We can actually see the Sun!

PS! I am aware that I do not use the Dr. Hauschka products as they were intended - Hauschka's entire skin care routine is exactly the opposite - the cream should be applied in the morning and no products used when going to bed...


  1. Küdooniakreem vist on üsna kerge? Kergem kui roosikreem? Või kuidas Sulle tundub?

  2. On jah vedelam. Mulle tundub umbes sama konsistentsiga kui see vedelam roosikreem aga kahjuks polnud head rasvast roosikreemi testrina saadaval. Suurt tuubi ei raatsi osta, niipalju pole vaja - külm aeg saab ju kohe jälle läbi.
