Tuesday, December 29

EOTD Beige-Gold

Today something simple and elegant and metallic.

Artisan Coral all over lid
Apricot all around it in the crease and Ivory Lace on the browbone.
All colors applied dry, I think I also forgot to use primer.

Very subtle and elegant look, has quote high sheen and colors themselves do not show up on the photos. Artisan Coral and Apricot are both similar in texture and sheen and therefore go well together. Picture is taken 3 hrs after application in fading daylight.

Apricot looks a bit like Conservatorie's Gold Earth but the latter is pinkish while Apricot is more yellow-orange.
Angel Wings as blush, EDM's Intensive Fair concealer as foundi and EDM's Pearl Sunlight under the eyes.

Totally forgot the eyeliner... Simply Naturals' Sandlewood would have made it better. This one needs a stronger color - in the crease and outer corners. Otherwise I just look tired on the photos.

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