Friday, December 25

TKB Trading pigments: blues and greens

From top to bottom:
Totally Teal (Edda's set)
Pisces Blue
Blueberry Pop!
Indian Blue
Capricorn Sea
Cyprus Green
Taurus Orion
Apple Green Pop!
Shamrock (very similar to Simply Naturals' Juniper)
Glimmer Green
Lotsa Lime (Edda's set)
Breath of Spring.

Unfortunately the brush was contaminated and Breath of Spring looks smeared. Capricorn Sea does not look good without primer and does not look good with primer either, on this photo... Lotsa Lime is more like greenish yellow then a green color. The blues look a lot alike, the best one imho is Indian Blue - love the golden green sheen.

And definitely - need to buy a fresh eye makeup base.

Here's Capricorn Sea as nailpolish:
I still do not like it - but it looks a lil' bit better in artificial light - less matte.

Here's the Zodiac set all together:


Who wants the Zodiacs? They do not appeal to me... my brushes do not like them and vice versa, they do not adhere well.


  1. Thank you so much for all these TKB swatches!

  2. Thanks!
    But I do think the blues and greens should be done again - with just wet application. They look so bad on the pgotos when done dry. And I should also do new swatches of Archetype's stuff - the camera at hand is SOOO much better :)
