Sunday, December 20

EOTD Green: Apple mixed with Tangerine

TKB Trading's Pop! Collection is very bright - yes, but has no good coverage on it's own. I think these micas lack adhesion and coverage. They are high in sheen but when looked at from another angle - the skin shines through. Good if used on top of MAC paint pots etc but not on their own.

Another lesson learned today - blending is a tricky job. Especially when trying to blend the Pop! micas - they disappear...

Colors used: Tangerine+Green Apple mix (50-50) all over lid, Blueberry in the crease, Lemon Drop above the crease and all blended down. Picture taken in artificial light, much brighter irl.

And the same mix (50%Green Apple-50% Tangerine) in daylight, next day. Same color used wet as liner too. Minimum blending - used Conservatorie's 18K Gold to blend upwards from the crease.

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