I have some of them from last year, and some just arrived, in total about 40 mica blends. Conservatorie is one of those MMU wholesale companies that for some reason does not get reviewed at all - I think for now it's only me who has bothered to swatch them. The purpose of my last purchase was to check the overlapping with colors in TKB Trading's inventory - I deliberately chose some that either by name or by (quite deceiving btw) swatch pic on the homepage seemed to be similar to blends TKB sells.
Today I'll post my entire collection's worth of swatches to compare Conservatorie's colors amongst themselves. Comparison to TKB colors will be the topic of the posts to follow. Since there was another snowstorm, lighting conditions were a bit challenging.
The Conservatorie samples are 1/3 the size that TKB sells (teaspoons vs tablespoon, 1tbs=3tsp), one sample costs 95 cents (+ shipping and taxes etc), TKB's sample is $1,5 a baggie. This makes Conservatorie still a bit more expensive, sample-wise. Full ounces are sometimes even cheaper then TKB micas.
The Conservatorie samples are 1/3 the size that TKB sells (teaspoons vs tablespoon, 1tbs=3tsp), one sample costs 95 cents (+ shipping and taxes etc), TKB's sample is $1,5 a baggie. This makes Conservatorie still a bit more expensive, sample-wise. Full ounces are sometimes even cheaper then TKB micas.
All my Conservatorie micas |
Some of the micas are already pressed. The three jars in lower left corner are their pre-made blushes and the three baggies on the left in top row are the glitters I wanted to try. Glitter particles are too bloody big - I think those acrylic sparklies are most likely meant for nails or smth.
Various Conservatorie golds |
The Conservatorie golden micas in daylight |
Gold Earth - looks pink but on the sin is slightly pinkish gold
Xian Vistas - gold with green duochrome
Peach Fuzz - looks peach but becomes rather strong light pink
Elegant Gold - ordinary yellow gold (6-85 microns)
Gold Metallic Satin - smoother version of the previous one (5-25 microns)
Merlot Gold - has some reddishness in it
Abtruse Gold - orange gold, could this be something like TKB's Lovely Leo? or Aztec Gold? I have neither
Chrome Bronze - bronze, nice smooth texture, a pleasure to swatch
Antique Gold - tarnished, a bit greenish gold (better then TKB's version, this one's smoother)
The Conservatorie golden micas in artificial light |
Blues and greens, purples and a grey mica
Sparkling Violet - dark reddish violet, with some sparkle (reminds me of TKB's Amethyst)
Lavender - reddish lilac color, very high sheen, seems sheer
Periwinkle - light blue with a lot of glitter and shine
Sapphire Blue - intensive clear blue, high sheen, no sparkle
Torquoise (spelling mistake?)- disappointment... looked so much more interesting on the swatch pic but when I finally got it - a flat medium blue
Shamrock Green - bluish green, same texture as Torquoise, unwearable for me
Golden Green - very intense light green with high sheen
Conservatorie's blues and greens in daylight |
Conservatorie's blues and greens in artificial light |
The biggest group. These colors are so different that they are almost impossible to photograph together - I shall swatch pinks and reds separately next time.
The Conservatorie pinks and reds |
Salmon Interference - beigeish color, dunno about the interference
Pink (green) Interference - lovely neutral beige, slight greenish tint at some angles
Peach Fuzz - looks beige but is pink
Shimmering Nude - shimmering light and sheer pink
Baby Pink Interference - loud sparkly cold pink
Twinkling Pink - light pink blush tone
Bolero - warmish looking mica with pink and blue sheen
Primrose - strong pinkish red
Coral - strong orangeish red
Adobe - brown blush
Mauve Satin - strong sleek mauve color, very nice texture
Ruby Red - metallic dark red
Deep Plum - a weird color, looks purple in the jar but when applied, turns dark red instead.
artificial light |
The Conservatorie browns |
Super Brilliant Mocha - very glittery glam color
Brilliant Mocha - what's brilliant about it? this does not look like it belongs to the Mocha-family at all, it's similar to Luster Brown but does not have it's sheen
Sparkle Mocha - like Super Brilliang Mocha - same base but less glitter
Luster Brown - plain brown with high sheen
Cuperous Brown - lovely medium brown with golden sheen
Dark Bronze - texture of this one is wonderful, almost melts under the brush
Chameleon Glitter - red base, blue glitter; difficult to swatch
Chameleon - red base, blue sheen
Brown Coco - dark brown with no sheen nor glitter - I use it as liner
The Conservatorie browns (both pics made in daylight) |
And now to the glitters:
Swatched them on the e.l.f. Studio eyeliner sealer and later also on the e.l.f. brown eyeliner (this did not help much to increase the glitter). The particles are rather large - leave these to the nail-enthusiasts and go get the calcium-aluminium-borosilicate wonders from TKB instead.
Lava Sand Glitter - dark brown with pinkish orange sparkles
Golden Pink Glitter - pink with gold like the name says
Silver Salmon Glitter - lots of silver, salmon has a slight pink presence.
The Conservatorie's acrylic glitters on top of e.l.f's liner sealer |
PS! There are a lot of spelling mistakes on the labels, in the pigment's names and on the homepage, I really hope Conservatorie gets someone to look it over, would make it look more professional. Torquoise and Shamrock Grea... I also wonder, if Conservatorie's Shamrock Green contains any chromium oxide green, it does not say so on the label and it swatched beautyfully (oxides usually are a pain) - but the color itself looks as if there was (it's matte too).
Terve nädalavahetus sai maalitud ja pildistatud - kopp täitsa ees. Nädala jagu annab sellest postitusi välja võluda. Conservatorie on oma kliendisõbralikkust uuenduste käigus kõvasti parandanud, igasugused kirjakesed ette ja taha. Kraam saabus ülihelikiirusel (nädalaga) ning pakiga kõik korras. Üllatuseks avastasin, et neil on isegi Facebookis konto. Mineraalpigmendid on hea kvaliteediga ja mõnusa struktuuriga, mitmeotstarbelised, kõlbavad kasutada nii laugudel, huultel, põskedel ja kui soovi, võib ka nahka pista. Kui ma ei eksi, siis nt TKB müüb osasid pigmente "tordikaunistuste" pähe.
Terve nädalavahetus sai maalitud ja pildistatud - kopp täitsa ees. Nädala jagu annab sellest postitusi välja võluda. Conservatorie on oma kliendisõbralikkust uuenduste käigus kõvasti parandanud, igasugused kirjakesed ette ja taha. Kraam saabus ülihelikiirusel (nädalaga) ning pakiga kõik korras. Üllatuseks avastasin, et neil on isegi Facebookis konto. Mineraalpigmendid on hea kvaliteediga ja mõnusa struktuuriga, mitmeotstarbelised, kõlbavad kasutada nii laugudel, huultel, põskedel ja kui soovi, võib ka nahka pista. Kui ma ei eksi, siis nt TKB müüb osasid pigmente "tordikaunistuste" pähe.
Thank you SOOOOO much for the swatches! It really helps out a lot. I've bought a few micas from TKB but I haven't tried any from Conservatorie. This is great info!
Los Schoenys, thank you for visiting the blog, I'm glad it was of help :). I shot a lot of photos this weekend and I'll edit and post them over the coming week (TKB-Conservatorie comparisons). I can honestly say I'm sick of swatching for a while :D
Porcelaine, I hope to get my large haul before Christmas, made a custom purchase on the mineral brushes. And since I do have a small vacation coming up at the same time, I'm probably able to write a nice long review on e.l.f. I am very interested in what you have to say, e.l.f. is a brand that has many wonderful products and people give those product diametrically different opinions. :)
I've never heard of them before, but your posts have me drooling over every single color.
Loving the price as well.
On a side note, I love your blog!
Thank you :)
And do check them out, they are great
Hi nicce reading your post
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