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Tuesday, February 22

Damn! / Kurat küll!

 Behold my beautiful EDM long-handled kabuki, all mangled up, even the metal ferrule :S
 It was in the brush holder, on my makeup desk... the bitch must have climbed on my desk to get it :S - and I do not have a spare!
And here's the culprit - my new personal trainer (starting from 12.02.2011) Pipa who's causing havoc in my household. Stealing and demolishing our stuff and climbing all over the furniture.
Looking guilty now, huh?
Esimene kord kui mõni meie koertest nii halvasti käitub, et asju närib! Pipa on meie pere 4. koer (me võtame tänavalt-varjukast hüljatud täiskasvanud koeri). Mingi võtmehoidja pidin ka juba minema viskama, ajalehti ja pappkarpe topin talle lammutamiseks juba ise ette. On ikka tegelane...  Närimiseks on tal ju omad mänguasjad :S ja tundub, et ta üksi kodus olles armastab justnimelt minu asju maitsta.


(todellaupea)Layrä said...

awww :D Cute little vermin!

herroyalbleakness said...

Ohmygosh! No way... your mutt got the best of that EDM brush (the kabuki and flat top are my cult faves)! Condolences to a good brush.

Forgive her LOL, she really looks apologetic.

Your post made me laugh. I actually thought you spilled acid or some bugs destroyed the brush. It didn't occur to me that it couldve been a dog issue.

Unknown said...

bad doggy bad doggy hahahhahah :D

MK said...

They always manage to look innocent after the damage is done. My cat climbs into and chews on my box of pigments regularly but you'd never know it to look at him. Only the tiny teethmarks give him away!

Unknown said...

Rumal koer :D Mu kass käib ka pintsleid lakkumas, ei tea mis ta nendes karvades leiab, mul on mingi odav ebay komplekt hetkel aga lähiajal tahaks tutvust teha nt e.l.f'i toodetega. Sigma kohta lendab ka kiidusõnu igast mulgust, aga natuke kalliks jäävad hetkel. :)

Ma alustasin ka oma ilublogi jaanuaris, võiksid pilgu peale visata, kui aega on ;)
aadress ka, kuigi selle peaks kuidagi profiili kaudu ka leidma:

Üks Teine Liis. :)

Roosi said...

Hahahhahaaa hilarious post :D

I've got a cat and she looooooves my natural brushes- every time the little devil gets them she licks and chews them. She really loves to nom them. And then I have to wash them and hide them, until the next time...

Anonymous said...

Vaene pintsel!

Aga õnnitlused uue pereliikme puhul! Isegi kui ta natuke ulakavõitu on. ;)

Mu oma kass saab ka sarnaste trikkidega hakkama, õnneks natuke väiksemas mahus, sest hambad on väiksemad. XD Aga ta viimane suursaavutus on see, et ta on õppinud nii erinevaid toauksi lahti hüppama kui kummutisahtleid lahti kraapima. Nothing is safe!

LiisK said...

Thank you all for your compassion, there will be a funeral service held when I return from my trip. Hopefully the dog has not eaten all my makeup and shoes as I return :). It's my fault actually - she's just bored. Since she seems pretty smart, I think opening doors and perhaps even the fridge might be her on her list of next tricks to learn...

mii said...

Bitch ikka ei ütlex koera kohta...

LiisK said...

tehniliselt on kõik korrektne :D - emane koer

Gone2RehabBRB said...

Haha =)
It's just so tragically cute.