I suspected that Simply Naturals sells repackaged TKB mica so I'll add their colors here as well. I do not like blues... they add years to me and make me look cheap. But - in combination with other colors they are doable. All swatches done wet over ELF primer.
Simply Naturals' Saphire - a small tester baggie of blueness
Simply Naturals' Mulberry - insanely pigmented dark blue, stains
Simply Naturals' Ice - bland, no character, boring
Totally Teal - pretty but not for me
Ocean Green - nice elegant, very strong golden sheen
Pisces Blue - almost Ocean Green but very sparkly, needs primer.
Capricorn Sea - does not stick, base is the same as Mulberry's - these two left dark stains on my arm
Indian Blue - greenish sheen, true peacock
Blueberry - Bright blue
Grape Parfait - it was the bluest of purples so added it here too
Simply Naturals' Smurf - not as purple as Grape Parfait but has purple sheen in it.
The Simply Naturals' blues are up for grabs for anyone who pays the postal fee.
beauty routine
before and after
Bella Pierre
Coastal Scents
Coastal Scents vs others
Dr. Hauschka
Dr. Scheller
Elegant Minerals
entering giveaway
EOTD Black
EOTD blue
EOTD brown
EOTD gray
EOTD green
EOTD neutral
EOTD Purple
eotd rainbow
Eveline Cosmetics
Everyday Minerals
famous brand clones
illuminating and/or setting powder
Ilu Sõnum Beauty World Tallinn
Jane Iredale
Lily Lolo
LisaLise Pure Natural Skin Care
Lucy Minerals
MAD Minerals
makeup remover
Max Factor
MMU containers and jars
Ocean Mist Cosmetics
pale skin
pigment comparison
pressing eyeshadows
Reviews by others
ricinus oil
Signature Minerals
silk naturals
Simply Naturals
Skin Mist
The Body Shop
The Conservatorie
The Make-Up Brush Company
tips'n tricks
TKB Trading
TKB vs Conservatorie
Wednesday, March 31
Tuesday, March 30
TKB Trading: purples and mauves
First in the row is Simply Naturals's Heliotrope - it's so bright that I think it contains some lake dyes.
Paris Pink Matte Tone - usable as blush
Bishop's Violet - quite a sheer one, bluish sheen
Aster Hue - pinkish sheen
Grape - genuine bright purple
Patagonia Purple - dark gray with purplish sheen
Smokey XXX - lighter gray with pinkish sheen
Black Amethyst - darker gray base with purplish pinkish sheen
Sagittaire - blueish purple with pink sheen
Grape Parfait - almost blue
Pure Purple - from Edda's set - the most unbecoming color in the collection.
And a look from Sunday featuring Bishop's Violet all over lid and Black Amethyst in the outer V.
Took several pictures but none of them show colors true to life - could be that not enough light. Colors are more vibrant and have more depth IRL. Swatches done in daylight, wet over primer.Monday, March 29
New moisturizer: Dr. Scheller's Skin-Relaxing Day Cream
Eile Selveris konnates jäi silma „Kõik kreemid -20%“ sildike niiet niisutava päevakreemi probleem mõneks ajaks jälle lahendatud. Seekord võtsin kuivale nahale mõeldud ohaka ja õlisalvei (Salvia Hispanica Chia seeds) sarjast. Seal on 2 erinevat päevakreemi, üks kuivale ja teine ülikuivale nahale. Viimane oleks talvel hea olnud, suveks-kevadeks tundus liiga rasvase konsistentsiga. Lõhn on suurepärane ja esimene kasutuspäev möödus kenasti. Kärna ei läinud ja meigi alla tundus ka sobivat. Dr.Schelleril on suurepärased testitulemused igasugustes pimetestides (nende kortsukreemil vähemalt on) ning posu looduskosmeetikasertifikaate. Otsustasin hakata hügieenireegleid järgima ja hankisin endale isegi plastspaatlikesed, millega kreemi purgist välja võtta. Dr.Scheller kasutab toodete pakendamiseks klaaspurke, see välistab ohu, et igasugused plastikus peituvad mürgid kreemi sisse lahustuvad. Kas ma juba mainisin, et kreem on mõnusa lõhnaga? ;)
Bought a new moisturizer. I quite like Dr.Scheller's stuff (aced lots of blind tests - their wrinkle cream is supposedly amazing; also have the BDIH certificate (certified organic cosmetics)), this time I took the one meant for dry skin containing the extracts of thistle and chia seeds (Salvia Hispanica). The product has nice consistency and a pleasant, faint aroma. Note that this series has two day creams, one for dry skin and the second for extremely dry skin. Here's the complete list of ingredients (copied from this webpage) of the creme I bought:
Price: whooping 10 Euros, 13 USD or 154 EEK.
Sunday, March 28
TKB Trading: all the greens
It just hit me - I have not swatched TKB colorgroups. So today's post will be of all the greens together.
Of course I forgot the chromium oxide green and Taurus Orion, those have to be swatched separately (I keep them apart from others cause I don't use them).
Lucky Green
Dublin Green
Pennsylvania Green
Shamrock Green
Cyprus Green
Apple Green
After Twilight Green
Twilight Green
Ocean Green
Verdigris Gold
Green Apple
Glimmer Green
Apparently I also do not have long enough an arm to swatch all my greens...
Hilite Green
Mermaid's Gold (gold with green sheen)
Breath of Spring
Lotsa Lime
China Jade
Glimmer Green
Green Apple
The swatches are done dry over E.L.F.'s mineral eyeshadow primer.
Of course I forgot the chromium oxide green and Taurus Orion, those have to be swatched separately (I keep them apart from others cause I don't use them).
Lucky Green
Dublin Green
Pennsylvania Green
Shamrock Green
Cyprus Green
Apple Green
After Twilight Green
Twilight Green
Ocean Green
Verdigris Gold
Green Apple
Glimmer Green
Apparently I also do not have long enough an arm to swatch all my greens...
Hilite Green
Mermaid's Gold (gold with green sheen)
Breath of Spring
Lotsa Lime
China Jade
Glimmer Green
Green Apple
The swatches are done dry over E.L.F.'s mineral eyeshadow primer.
Saturday, March 27
TKB Trading's grays, whites, silvers, blacks
Swatched here are:
Satin Pearl aka Fine White - compared to others matte looking but not matte when compared to TiO2
Satin White - more transparent, strong white sheen
Sparkle - needs a primer, looks silvery when applied wet, tends to scatter
Simply Naturals' Polished Silver - smaller particles the Sparkle, silvery, refined-looking
Storm - very sparkly dark (taupeish?) gray
Antique Silver - strong silvery sheen, when applied dry nice and subtle, compliments most colors well
Limerick - is here cause it looks light gray in the bag, applies as golden sheen when applied wet, turns into sparkle as soon as dry.
Black mica - soft black
Blackest Black matte tone (black iron oxide + some ultramarine blue)
All swatches done wet, no primer.
TKB Trading Irish Eye collection
So far I have seen no one swatching TKB Trading's Irish Eye collection: Limerick (taupeish golden sparkle), Lucky Green (bright tealish green) and Dublin Green (a bit grayish dark green with red! sparkle). It looks totally different when swatched wet. The last two of this set contain lake dyes and parabens - not real MMU I'm afraid :S. But they're still pretty.
They are very sparkly in artificial light. Limerick is great but tends to scatter all over the place.
Limerick in inner corners, Lucky Green all over lid and Dublin Green in the crease. All applied dry. Sry 'bout the crappy fuzzy pic.
They are very sparkly in artificial light. Limerick is great but tends to scatter all over the place.
Limerick in inner corners, Lucky Green all over lid and Dublin Green in the crease. All applied dry. Sry 'bout the crappy fuzzy pic.
Friday, March 26
Blotting paper - why?
I noticed that people are buying special blotting paper to remove shine from the face. WHY? Why waste money on something that is so unnecessary? Piece of tissue-paper or even toilet paper are just as good and suck up the grease just as well. What's the point of blotting paper?
Mitmes (neti)poes müüakse spetsiaalseid paberilehekesi, et saaksid päeva jooksul eraldunud üleliigse rasu näolt eemaldada. Mul küsimus - miks peaks üks inimene oma raha peale nii vihane olema? Samahästi imavad rasu ka pabersalvrätid ning kasvõi peldikupaber...
Mitmes (neti)poes müüakse spetsiaalseid paberilehekesi, et saaksid päeva jooksul eraldunud üleliigse rasu näolt eemaldada. Mul küsimus - miks peaks üks inimene oma raha peale nii vihane olema? Samahästi imavad rasu ka pabersalvrätid ning kasvõi peldikupaber...
Monday, March 22
EOTD Antique Gold
The Conservatorie's Antique Gold (lighter then TKB's version) all over lid, TKB's Apricot blended in outer corners and also used as blush, Satin Orange Gold as lower liner (everything applied dry). Foundation mix I applied on the browbone also scattered on my eyelids, making Antique Gold look more blah.
EDM's Pearl Sunlight under the eyes, Fair mixed with Conservatorie's Caramel Light as foundi.
Sunglasses have left marks on the bridge of the nose.
Sunday, March 21
Saturday, March 20
Taurus Orion - no love
TKB's Taurus Orion is a piggie which's main component is chromium oxide green. Consistency of the product is (to put it mildly) not very easy to work with - if it's not patted on but sweeped, the golden holographic effect disappears and you're left with dark matte green as seen in the middle of my lids. Blended upwards with Hilite Gold. Taurus Orion will have to find a new home.
It also sucks bad as nail polish, to my utter amazement. Color-wise it's fine but the finish - OMG, matte green. Took me many coats to get the glossy look. Let the pic speak for itself. It's as if the pigment sucked up the top coat again and again and again.
It also sucks bad as nail polish, to my utter amazement. Color-wise it's fine but the finish - OMG, matte green. Took me many coats to get the glossy look. Let the pic speak for itself. It's as if the pigment sucked up the top coat again and again and again.
Saturday, March 13
Loomulik meik EOTD Beige-Brown
Täna kukkus eriti hästi välja, tahtsin loomulikku elegantset igapäevameiki. Moonstone on ülihästi hajutatav.
I'm rather proud of myself - I have not had a look this good (so that I'd would really-really like it) for a week. It's very subtle and natural. Colors used are TKB's Moonstone (outer corners, crease) and Winter Rose (inner corners). Liner is Conservatorie's Brown Cocoa. Blush is Pure Luxe's Nymph.
Foundie is EDM's Fair in semi-matte (also under the eyes as concealer and on the browbone) mixed with Conservatorie's Caramel Light in Deluxe approx 50:50. Good mix.
I'm starting to have wrinkles though... around the eyes and on my forehead. :S
PS! Vaatasin, et veel üks mineraalmeigiartikkel on netiavarustesse juurde tulnud: Naistemaailmas tsiteertakse isegi MmuMaailma. :)
I'm rather proud of myself - I have not had a look this good (so that I'd would really-really like it) for a week. It's very subtle and natural. Colors used are TKB's Moonstone (outer corners, crease) and Winter Rose (inner corners). Liner is Conservatorie's Brown Cocoa. Blush is Pure Luxe's Nymph.
Foundie is EDM's Fair in semi-matte (also under the eyes as concealer and on the browbone) mixed with Conservatorie's Caramel Light in Deluxe approx 50:50. Good mix.
I'm starting to have wrinkles though... around the eyes and on my forehead. :S
PS! Vaatasin, et veel üks mineraalmeigiartikkel on netiavarustesse juurde tulnud: Naistemaailmas tsiteertakse isegi MmuMaailma. :)
Friday, March 12
MicaBella jõudis Eestisse
Alates 15. märtsist tutvustatakse ja müüakse MicaBella mineraalkosmeetikat Viru Keskuses, Bodyshopi vastas.
Ameerikamaal on nad kurikuulsad oma üliagressiivse müügi poolest (samuti ostukeskustes oma väljapanekutega). Hind on samuti vägagi soolane. Samasugused kui Bella Pierre. Kui osta tahad, vaata ka E-bayst, seal on 2-3x odavamalt.
Kui oled mineraalkosmeetikamaailmas alles uus ja googeldades selle blogisissekande leiad, siis palun loe hoolega järgnevat: mineraalid ei toida nahka! Samuti ei hoia nad ära üleujutusi ega pese Su pesu (mõeldud irooniana). Müügimehed kipuvad liialdama: mineraalmeik ummistab poore nagu kõik asjad mida iganes näkku määrid, mineraalmeigi erinevatele koostisosadele (titaandioksiid, tsinkoksiid, vilk) esineb allergiat hoolimata sellest, et müügimees räägib "hüpoallergeenilisest kosmeetikatootest" ja võib räige tsüstilise akne välja lüüa.
"Aga meie koostisosad on erilised, puhtad - mitte nagu tavaline mineraalkosmeetika..." on hülgemöla. Koostisosad on puhtal MMU-l alati samad: vilk, titaandioksiid, tsinkoksiid, raudoksiidid, ultramariinid. Osad panevad sinna ka siidipulbrit (Silk Naturals) või õlilahustuvaid vitamiine (E-vitamiin tokoferool on neist tavalisim) ja taimeekstrakte sisse (Iredale).
Mineraalmeik on HEA, sest ta ei sisalda sünteetilisi värvaineid (alumvärve) ega säilitusaineid (parabeenid) - mineraalid ei imbu läbi Su naha vereringesse ega ladestu erinevates kudedes. Heal vanal ajal kasutasid kõik mineraalmeiki - siis kui naftasaadusi veel puudritesse ei pressitud. Mineraalmeiki kandis juba Kleopatra (malahhiitpulber laugudel) ja kandsid ka keldid, kes sõjaretkedeks end sinisaviga üle võõpasid.
Mineraalmeik on HEA. Mul on palju vähem punne ja punnikesi kui tavameigi peal olles.
Mineraalmeik on HEA aga ta ei sobi kõigile. Ujub minema kui on liiga rasvane nahk, muudab naha kuivaks kui eelnevalt niisutada unustad. Hõõrdub maha, kui käsipõsakil istud. Tavaline kosmeetika.
MicaBella is sold in Estonia now. Just a rant and a warning how the salespersons (in general) tend to lie about/sugarcoat the products they sell. Although mineral makeup is good, it will never end world hunger!
Ameerikamaal on nad kurikuulsad oma üliagressiivse müügi poolest (samuti ostukeskustes oma väljapanekutega). Hind on samuti vägagi soolane. Samasugused kui Bella Pierre. Kui osta tahad, vaata ka E-bayst, seal on 2-3x odavamalt.
Kui oled mineraalkosmeetikamaailmas alles uus ja googeldades selle blogisissekande leiad, siis palun loe hoolega järgnevat: mineraalid ei toida nahka! Samuti ei hoia nad ära üleujutusi ega pese Su pesu (mõeldud irooniana). Müügimehed kipuvad liialdama: mineraalmeik ummistab poore nagu kõik asjad mida iganes näkku määrid, mineraalmeigi erinevatele koostisosadele (titaandioksiid, tsinkoksiid, vilk) esineb allergiat hoolimata sellest, et müügimees räägib "hüpoallergeenilisest kosmeetikatootest" ja võib räige tsüstilise akne välja lüüa.
"Aga meie koostisosad on erilised, puhtad - mitte nagu tavaline mineraalkosmeetika..." on hülgemöla. Koostisosad on puhtal MMU-l alati samad: vilk, titaandioksiid, tsinkoksiid, raudoksiidid, ultramariinid. Osad panevad sinna ka siidipulbrit (Silk Naturals) või õlilahustuvaid vitamiine (E-vitamiin tokoferool on neist tavalisim) ja taimeekstrakte sisse (Iredale).
Mineraalmeik on HEA, sest ta ei sisalda sünteetilisi värvaineid (alumvärve) ega säilitusaineid (parabeenid) - mineraalid ei imbu läbi Su naha vereringesse ega ladestu erinevates kudedes. Heal vanal ajal kasutasid kõik mineraalmeiki - siis kui naftasaadusi veel puudritesse ei pressitud. Mineraalmeiki kandis juba Kleopatra (malahhiitpulber laugudel) ja kandsid ka keldid, kes sõjaretkedeks end sinisaviga üle võõpasid.
Mineraalmeik on HEA. Mul on palju vähem punne ja punnikesi kui tavameigi peal olles.
Mineraalmeik on HEA aga ta ei sobi kõigile. Ujub minema kui on liiga rasvane nahk, muudab naha kuivaks kui eelnevalt niisutada unustad. Hõõrdub maha, kui käsipõsakil istud. Tavaline kosmeetika.
MicaBella is sold in Estonia now. Just a rant and a warning how the salespersons (in general) tend to lie about/sugarcoat the products they sell. Although mineral makeup is good, it will never end world hunger!
E.L.F.'s mineral eyeshadow Royal EOTD
Asphalt gray again - with purplish sheen.
EOTD with E.L.F.'s Royal (dry), same color used wet as liner. Oh gawd how I hate the Miss Piggy look - skin is soo pink! At least the blending seems to be ok this time. :)I do not love it though... creased by 5 in the afternoon. Hmmmm. Weird, the primer did not let me down yesterday.
Wednesday, March 10
ELF's mineral eyeshadow Socialite EOTD
Stuff used:
Dr. Hauschka's quince day cream as moisturizer
E.L.F.'s mineral eyeshadow primer (I dont like it - too oily, too liquid, takes a long time to dry and gathers in your crease when freshly applied)
E.L.F.'s Socialite dry all over lid, blended upwards with the 1-dollar blending brush
E.L.F. 1-dollar eyelash curler
Lumene's Blueberry Curl mascara in dark brown
EDM's Pearl Sunlight under eyes
EDM's Ivory as foundi (applied with the E.L.F. powder brush)
Pure Luxe Nymf as blush
E.L.F.'s mineral lipstick in Cool Coral (applied over powdered lips)
Dr. Hauschka's quince day cream as moisturizer
E.L.F.'s mineral eyeshadow primer (I dont like it - too oily, too liquid, takes a long time to dry and gathers in your crease when freshly applied)
E.L.F.'s Socialite dry all over lid, blended upwards with the 1-dollar blending brush
E.L.F. 1-dollar eyelash curler
Lumene's Blueberry Curl mascara in dark brown
EDM's Pearl Sunlight under eyes
EDM's Ivory as foundi (applied with the E.L.F. powder brush)
Pure Luxe Nymf as blush
E.L.F.'s mineral lipstick in Cool Coral (applied over powdered lips)
Pics taken in daylight - why does my face look so bloody red?!?
Actually a bit dark for the office but I'll live. It would be nice if the ELF blending brush would be 2/3 or half it's current size - it's abit too big.
ELF'i hajutuspintsel oli päris mõnus kasutada, hea meel et kohe 2 võtsin. Kuulu järgi kipuvad ELFi pintslid peale pesu lagunema - pintsliosa tuleb varre küljest lahti - hea kui varusid jagub. EDMi LHK-l tuli ka sel kevadel vars tagant aga pole miskit, mida väike super-glue ei saaks parandada.
Püüan end harjutada ELFi puudripintslit kasutama aga ikka veel tahan pidevalt kätt EDMi poole sirutada. Sel lühem vars (mugavam käes hoida) ja pehmem karvastik. Tundub nahal mõnusam. ELFi pintslimaterjal (sünteetilistel) tundub olema sihuke staatilist elektrit koguv - puudrit lendab temaga palju rohkem.
Tuesday, March 9
E.L.F. mineral haul arrived today!
Fell on Sunday when skiing - some twerp cut me off and I ran into a ramp. Next time, heed my words, I shall ram my skis up your arse, u bugger! Bystanders informed me later that the flight itself was rather impressive though the landing somewhat rough. I walk like a wood-legged pirate now, according to doc takes some months to heal.Twisted knee...
It's Christmas again! Although I paid for the gift myself it's still pleasant to receive them. Just why does E.L.F. need to put it in a box 3 sizes too big??
The eyeshadow primer needs some testing before can say anything. It's definitely more liquid then my old one from Manhattan and consistency is thin. I took care to photograph everything in a way that it's possible to see the ingredients list too.
The brown eyeshadow set is superb - warmly recommend, I did not try the pencil. Confident is a really adorable color and very wearable too. Wild reminds me of TKB Trading's Swiss Chocolate, with a wee bit of more gold sparkle. It's the mattest of them all. Elegant is a very good color for highlighting the inner corners - I would not put it on the browbone unless I worked in the circus. Brushes are not bad at all - soft and not shedding... yet.
The E.L.F. mineral eye shadows I got for myself are somewhat disappointing: Socialite is asphalt gray when applied dry. Applied wet it gets more brownish and more suitable for my complexion. I have no idea what went through my head when I ordered Royal - purples are not my colors at all. SInce it's more reddich then pluish purple, I ca probably use ti. Now Confident is a safe bet though.
The sifter holes are huge, instead of removing the sifter cover just poke couple of holes in them - it's more then enough. Jars are 10gr per volume ones with raised bottoms. Jars are not filled to the brim, there's lots of room inside. And lets be honest it's no reason to bitch about since it takes forever to use up one eyeshadow anyhow :D.

E.L.F. mineral eyeshadow swatches: upper photo taken in sunlight, lower in bright daylight.

First glance: I thought Ripe Rose had great promise alas it is very creamy and a lot more pigmented/covering then the previous lipsticks - it's too dark.... Cool Coral is a total miss :S - I thought it'd be orange but it's not - it's bright red. For a blond pale girl like myself best pick has to be Rosy Raisin.
1-dollarilised hajutuspintslid tunduvad esialgsel pealevaatamisel ok olema ning üksiklauvärvid polegi nii hullud. Loodetavasti sõbrantsile meeldib ta roheline Earthy ning mina saan hakata suitsusilma harjutama oma Royal'i ja Socialite'ga. Viimane on kuivalt ja päevavalguses nagu märg asfalt, eemaldab mu näost viimasegi värvikübeme ja tõmbab mu üleni plassiks. Niiskel pealekandmisel muutub alustoon külmaks tumepruuniks - see juba sobib..
Lauvärvi aluskreem on väga vedela koostisega ja mulle tundub küll vägagi õline - tuleb ettevaatlikult peale kanda, sest minul läks esimesel korral juba see kreem ise lauvakku kokku. Aplikaator annab korraga liiga palju välja. Järsku on seda üldse vaja enne raputada, et paremini seguneks? Eks ta odav asi ole, kui kehv siis kehv ja kui joppab siis joppab.
Nüüd jääb üle veel vaid Studio-seeria haul ka ära oodata :).
It's Christmas again! Although I paid for the gift myself it's still pleasant to receive them. Just why does E.L.F. need to put it in a box 3 sizes too big??
The eyeshadow primer needs some testing before can say anything. It's definitely more liquid then my old one from Manhattan and consistency is thin. I took care to photograph everything in a way that it's possible to see the ingredients list too.
The brown eyeshadow set is superb - warmly recommend, I did not try the pencil. Confident is a really adorable color and very wearable too. Wild reminds me of TKB Trading's Swiss Chocolate, with a wee bit of more gold sparkle. It's the mattest of them all. Elegant is a very good color for highlighting the inner corners - I would not put it on the browbone unless I worked in the circus. Brushes are not bad at all - soft and not shedding... yet.
The E.L.F. mineral eye shadows I got for myself are somewhat disappointing: Socialite is asphalt gray when applied dry. Applied wet it gets more brownish and more suitable for my complexion. I have no idea what went through my head when I ordered Royal - purples are not my colors at all. SInce it's more reddich then pluish purple, I ca probably use ti. Now Confident is a safe bet though.
The sifter holes are huge, instead of removing the sifter cover just poke couple of holes in them - it's more then enough. Jars are 10gr per volume ones with raised bottoms. Jars are not filled to the brim, there's lots of room inside. And lets be honest it's no reason to bitch about since it takes forever to use up one eyeshadow anyhow :D.
E.L.F. mineral eyeshadow swatches: upper photo taken in sunlight, lower in bright daylight.
First glance: I thought Ripe Rose had great promise alas it is very creamy and a lot more pigmented/covering then the previous lipsticks - it's too dark.... Cool Coral is a total miss :S - I thought it'd be orange but it's not - it's bright red. For a blond pale girl like myself best pick has to be Rosy Raisin.
All pics are klickable and can be enlarged.
PS! I may have to revalue Royal (tad reddish sheen on the right) and Socialite (brownish sheen, on the left)... both seem to be exceptionally good for Smoky eye. At least in artificial light (just primer and eyeshadow, no mascaras or liners).
Üldiselt võib E.L.F.'i hauliga rahul olla kui huulepulgad välja arvata: Cool Coral pole piisavalt oranž ning Ripe Rose on liiga tumepunane minu jume jaoks. Pruunist silmameigikompletist saab väga ilusa kingi, Confident on haruldaselt hea värv. Elegant on talutav highlighterina ja Wild on vastupidiselt oma nimele tegelikult suht igav kakapruun. Kompletis olev hajutuspintsel erineb veidi kodulehel olevast, millel tundub nagu olevat teravam tipp. PS! I may have to revalue Royal (tad reddish sheen on the right) and Socialite (brownish sheen, on the left)... both seem to be exceptionally good for Smoky eye. At least in artificial light (just primer and eyeshadow, no mascaras or liners).
1-dollarilised hajutuspintslid tunduvad esialgsel pealevaatamisel ok olema ning üksiklauvärvid polegi nii hullud. Loodetavasti sõbrantsile meeldib ta roheline Earthy ning mina saan hakata suitsusilma harjutama oma Royal'i ja Socialite'ga. Viimane on kuivalt ja päevavalguses nagu märg asfalt, eemaldab mu näost viimasegi värvikübeme ja tõmbab mu üleni plassiks. Niiskel pealekandmisel muutub alustoon külmaks tumepruuniks - see juba sobib..
Lauvärvi aluskreem on väga vedela koostisega ja mulle tundub küll vägagi õline - tuleb ettevaatlikult peale kanda, sest minul läks esimesel korral juba see kreem ise lauvakku kokku. Aplikaator annab korraga liiga palju välja. Järsku on seda üldse vaja enne raputada, et paremini seguneks? Eks ta odav asi ole, kui kehv siis kehv ja kui joppab siis joppab.
Nüüd jääb üle veel vaid Studio-seeria haul ka ära oodata :).
Saturday, March 6
EOTD Lilac
Today I tried to do a look with lilac and gold, Aster Hue with Radiant Gold, the first all over lid and second blended upwards from crease. As you can see on the hand swatch they compliment each other very well but on the eyes it looked as if a bright yellow ring is around my eye - purple with yellow - the perfect bruise. Had to remove it by blending it away and covering with foundation. Then took Satin Orange Gold and used it instead. Satin Orange Gold is also used wet as upper liner.
Rest of the stuff is the usual: Lumene Blueberry Curl mascara, Manhattan's eyeshadow primer, The Conservatorie's mineral foundation in Caramel Light, EDM's Pearl Sunlight under eyes. Used the E.L.F. eyelash curler and Rosy Raisin lipstick.
Pics taken in daylight - it's a bright sunny day today. :)
Next time I'm going to try the same look but place Radiant Gold in inner corners and Aster Hue in outer corners. Maybe it'll turn out better that way.
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