The first one was random pick of 4 colors from the Archetype's box (over 50 samples there) and the colors do not match perfectly, but they are OK, I guess. One point of the blog being an information source on how different colors look on different folks in different lighting, I'll post them anyway:
Dungeon all over lid
Corpse Candle in the outer V
Little Gray Kitten to blend the crease
Kitten Toes as blush (almost invisible)
- ideal for the fair maidens - makes me absolutely positively glow.
Just wish it would not dry out my skin.
Need to buy really expensive moisturizers... :S
- ideal for the fair maidens - makes me absolutely positively glow.
Just wish it would not dry out my skin.
Need to buy really expensive moisturizers... :S
I like the combinations of greens and blues with browns or golds. My fave here is the blue one, really pretty :)
Oh and about the expensive moisturizers, i often hear that the expensives ones are not that better than the cheapest ones. What do you think about that ?
I am loving the Dr Hauschka rose day cream tester at the moment - it's just great. It is a tad oily but this suits the MMU foundation just great. The cheaper options - I also tend to prefer good quality natural cosmetics and most of the cheapest stuff is full of preservatives, colorants and synthetic scents.
I like the stuff Joik makes, it's an Estonian all-natural cosmetics manufacturer. I am thinking of trying out their day cream after this Hauschka tester runs out. Joik's stuff is not very cheap, it's like lower medium scale.
I still have to practice the blending though - the first set needed some more blending in the outer corner and perhaps a tad of something light, perhaps gold - in the inner corner. :)
Vow! Aplaus!Järjekordselt imeilusad EOTD-d!
Kommentaarile kommentaariks.Mullegi Joik meeldib - silmakreem ja šokolaadimask on on mõnusad.Ja muidugi seebid ning küünlad. Nüüd on see ka hea, et Kaubamajs olemas mingi valik - ei pea tellima või linna mööda tiirutama.:)
Soovin ilusat reisi! Eks ma millalgi hiljem, kui nii Sul kui ka mul aega rohkem, saadan ka mingi ülesvõtte oma ebamäärast(pori?) värvi laikudest silmas.;)
Veelkord - mõnusat reisi!:)
I totally understand your concerns about not-natural cosmetics (i try to avoid them too).
That's why i make my creams and cosmetics myself, I'm sure of what i put into them !
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