Mul foundi juba otsas ja pidin vahepeal juba EDMi testreid kasutama hakkama...
16. okt tellitud ning nad pole veel saatmisenigi jõudnud - saadavad alles 15. septembri seisuga tellimusi välja. Kiirus on ikka HÄMMASTAV.
Olen jõudnud vahepeal juba äragi unistada, et mida üldse tellisin...
(Just ranting about Archetype's order which has still not been shipped although ordered on 16 October... it's 8 January already.)
Here's a couple of EOTD pictures featuring Erotic Underground - the color which I ordered in full size. I am really getting pissed off... If the packet does not arrive in January I'll notify PayPal.
Good news: it's January 11 and apparently my order has shipped.
Methinks - no more ordering from Archetype.
Have wasted too much money on it and the service frankly sucks.
2nd order was 31,50 USD: 2 full foundies, 2 full e/s, 4 e/s samples, shipping 5 USD.
3rd order was 15 USD - am I so sorry I did not write this one down... it had 5 foundation samples, methinks, with 5 USD shipping.
I also rather suspect that I got screwed over on my 1st order.
It's January 30 and no sign of my order...
Its February 6th and the haul is finally here.
I am not even happy... I've been so frustrated over this order that I do not even care about it now.
1 comment:
Ma olen juba pikemat aega mõelnud, et tahaks väga tellida Archetypest aga lugedes netist igaltpoolt, et klienditeenindus on ikkka väga aeglane, siis pole siiani tellinud. Ma nagunii ootan ühelt teiselt firmalt juba 2 kuud pakki ja see tunudb terve igavik...4 kuud oleks väga julm. Kuigi värvid tunduvad niiii ilusad! Oeh...
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