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Thursday, May 19

Tähelepanu, ilublogijad!

Ilu Sõnumil on sel aastal meie jaoks üks põnev projekt, nad otsivad eestimaiseid ilublogijaid, keda oma toodete-testimise/arvustamise projekti kaasata. Ma ei tea kuidas teile aga mulle tundub selline pakkumine väga põnev ja kavatsen end kindlasti üles anda :). Ma vaid väga loodan, et mind ei panda päevitustooteid või isepäevitajaid testima :D

Osalemiseks tuleks kirjutada väike kokkuvõte selle kohta, et millise valdkonna tooteid on peamiselt proovitud, kui kaua blogi peetud ning kindlasti ka blogi aadress ning saata see kõik e-postiaadressile Lähemalt saab osalemistingimuste kohta lugeda siit.

Eesti saab tänu sellele toredale algatusele kindlasti paraja portsu ilublogijaid juurde :). Loodetavasti on koostööpartneriteks ka sel aastal palju põnevaid mineraalkosmeetika ja looduskosmeetikabrände, Balscandi stendi tahaks küll uuesti külastada - jojobiõli jälle otsas.

Local beauty fair organisers are inviting Estonian beauty bloggers to join in and help pick out their favorite beauty products. First time in Estonia!

Tuesday, May 17

e.l.f. mineral blushes

e.l.f. mineral blushes are same sized as the foundations and come in 7 different tones. I ordered 5 of them: Coral, Bliss, Joy, Pink and Rose. Coral and Bliss seem very similar, Coral being a tad more pinkish. For me Joy and Pink are keepers, the rest are not exactly my colors, Rose is definitely too dark.
Of these here I'd say  Joy is the easiest to use by pale girls. They're not exactly matte - to me it seems they have some sheen to them, some glow. The cost is 5$ or 3,5£, depending whether one shops at the UK or US store. Jars are the same size as e.l.f. mineral foundations and concealers - quite a lot of product in there.
Swatches are made dry and picture is taken in daylight.

Here's a pic of me wearing e.l.f.'s mineral concealer in Fair as foundi - looks just a wee bit orange... Other stuff used are mineral eyeshadow in Confident and mineral blush in Rose. Dark yellow circle around my eye is the result ofe.l.f.'s  mineral Eye Brightener - for me a pointless product, too dark.
This is what e.l.f.'s mineral foundation in Fair looks on me (check out the tone difference between neck and face):
I've made the pic so big that when clicked you can see the coverage up real close.

I really don't like the reddish look :S. I guess my face has indeed become somewhat darker then my body because spring sun is actually quite potent but I do not wish to emphasize it with my foundation. I'm going to start using lighter foundations to compensate, I guess mostly EDM's Olive Fair.

Monday, May 9

Seebikeetjad, ühinege! ja tulge "Kosmeetika teabepäevale" 20. mail

Ma olen mitmete looduskosmeetika tegelevate inimeste blogidest lugenud, kuidas meie ametnikkond nende tegevusele vastu puksib - kord teatatakse, et ökotoodete tootmispinnad peavad olema tugevate desinfitseerivate ainetega puhastatavad (mitte äädikaga vms, mida ökoinimesed tavaliselt puhastamiseks kasutavad), teine kord jällegi viidatakse, et oma koduköögis seebikeetmine ei taga toote ohutust. Ühesõnaga - paras jama.
Regulatsioon on üles ehitatud suurtootmist silmas pidades ning väiketootjate turuleilmumine on suht-koht välistatud. Minu isiklik arvamus? Nagu alati on just eestlased euroliidu lollusi täht-tähelt järgimas samas kui vanades maades asjad veidi leebemad. Samuti ei ole eesti ametnikud kuigi abivalmid ja ei soovi algajaid nõustada - valdavaks on tõrjuv ning põlglik suhtumine. Endal mul selles vallas kogemusi pole, küll aga on selline mulje jäänud teiste kogemusi lugedes :S
Igatahes - TÄNA VEEL on võimalik registreeruda Sotsiaalministeeriumis 20. mail toimuvale kosmeetika teabepäevale (suhteliselt pikk üritus, kohtade arv olevat piiratud). Ma vaatan, kas saan ka minna - kuigi ma ise teemas sügavalt sees pole, siis huvi pakub ikka.
A lot of people, who are interested in DIY cosmetics and would like to open up their own business are discouraged to do so by our health officials. The conditions on production hygiene, preservation and even for storage are insanely  complicated and drawn up to suit large scale production. In one of the blogs on my blogroll I happened to read some pretty juicy stuff about officials asking for bribes etc (this post is now gone). So in general - small scale cosmetics entrepreneurship is almost impossible here. Since most people do soaps and stuff basically in their own kitchens they can only provide them to friends and family. 
There's an event held by Ministry of Social Affairs on May 20 that is there to inform cosmetics makers of current legislation and other regulatory stuff. Would be a good place to ask questions...

Thursday, May 5

UK e.l.f. -20% sale for one day

UK e.l.f. webstore is having another -20% sale for one day. This is as good as it gets for us EU folks :)
20% off our entire website today at Use codes 20PlentyUK (for UK Orders) or 20PlentyEU (for EU) at checkout.
A minimum purchase of £10 (before shipping) is required. The code expires at 12 MIDDAY Friday 6 May 2011.
UK e.l.f.'il on jälle -20% sooduspakkumine - see on parim, mida EU rahvas endale lubada saab. Tuleb umbes sama hinnaga kui USAst -50% osta ja siis lasta kellelgil Euroopasse shippida. Seega - head šoppamist! (Tähelepanu tasub imho pöörata eelkõige Studio pintslitele, mõningatele Mineral-seeria toodetele, nt lauvärvid, blemish kit, glow ning mineraalpuudrid, ja üksikutele Essentiali asjadele a la ripsmekoolutaja).

Sunday, May 1

e.l.f. mineral eyeshadows: goldens and miscellaneous

These shadows failed to make my heart beat faster - sure they're nice but apart from Earthy and perhaps Dreamy I can easily go without them. Wild? boring kaka brown with occasional shimmer, Beachy is exactly the blue I should avoid and Flirty looks just blah on me. Outdoorsy looks so different in the jar - sparkly dark green - and turns almost black when swatched wet. I think I should also make swatches dry over primer to see how they behave. Maybe they retain more shimmer using the dry method. Wild and Outdoorsy make good liner colors but otherwise I would not recommend. I guess Outdoorsy might also make a killer smoky eye but green is a bit of a tough color to pull off, just like blue.
Angelic has almost no coverage, it's more of a sheen. Same with Elegant - lovely highlight should one like shiny brow highlights. Golden is more covering and coppery. Celebrity on the other hand is muted, cool toned, a bit tarnished gold, beautiful in itself (f you do not have TKB's Forged Gold, get it). Buff is the one e.l.f. designed for under eye concealer - the eye brightener. For me it's too dark, too orange.