Friday, July 29

Delfi noortekas ilmus Grete artikkel Eesti ilublogijatest :)

An article about Estonian beauty bloggers was published today in an Estonian newsportal's youth section. It's a small thing in itself but still a big thing for me since I was also one of the privileged who was  interviewed :)

One of our more famous bloggers, Grete Talu is a writer there. :) We were asked what makes our blogs "tick".

Bloggers reviewed were Liis Mitt from Beauty from Liz,  Kätlin Vaarend, Liina Ütt from Miss Liina and yours truly. :)

(teksti üle lugedes tuleb nentida: kannatan ikka räige mölapidamatuse all.)


Blogi sai 24. juulil 4-aastaseks ja isegi imestasin, et juba nii kaua on kirjutamisväärset leidunud. Alguse sai blogi veidi imelikul viisil – Eestis ei müüda kuigipalju meiki heledanahalistele (mis on ühe põhjamaa kohta veidi kummastav). 
Seda on ikka väga raske leida – ja ka siis on enamus oranži, roosa või intensiivselt kollase alatooniga – täielik jama kui oled tuhkja kuid samas laiguti punetama kippuva (põsed, nina) nahaga tüüpiline eesti kartulikarva tegelane. Meiesuguste alagrupp on hoopis oliiv (oliivis on rohelist, st et tulemus jääb kollakas-hallikas ja veidi tuhm) – aga mida pole seda pole.
Loomulikult ma seda alguses ei teadnud, arvasin, et lihtsalt heledad toonid puudu ja hakkasin netist googeldades niisama neid heledaid toone otsima. 
Olin juba nii palju aastaid parema puudusel oranžina ringi käinud, et lihtsalt ei suutnud enam. Kui 2008 maikuus professionaalse konsultandi käe all ette võetud palverännak Kaubamaja Ilumaailma mulle täpselt 0 sobivat meigipõhjatooni andis, oli see viimane tilk karikasse.

Ja nii see algas: igasugu vahvatel gootisaitidel sai ära käidud ja kümneid blogisid külastatud kuni lõpuks koperdasin mineraalmeigi otsa – ja käiski krõks kõrvade vahel ära. Mineraalmeiki on ju tuhandetes eri toonides ja ka heledaid on seinast-seina. 
Muu maailma jaoks algas mineraalmeigi võidukäik nii 2006-2007, Eesti massiteadvusesse jõudis see üle-eelmisel aastal Iredale’i, Micabella ja Bellapierre tugevnenud müügipromoga. Üksikuid Bare Minerals’i teadjaid ja kasutajaid oli meil juba ennegi.

Ühel hetkel oli mul nii palju testreid et ei suutnud enam järge pidada ja loomulikult on blogi üks mugavamaid viise, kuidas end selles värvidemöllus vee peal hoida (pildid, tekst, kronoloogilisus, märksõnad, lingid – kõik vajalik olemas). Üks pilt räägib rohkem kui tuhat sõna – on kerge märgata, kuidas meigid muutuvad ajapikku veatumaks ja sümmeetrilisemaks ning naha olukord aina rõõmsamaks.

Blogipidamisel olid eeskujuks muidugi noodsamad meigiblogid, mida varem ise usinasti külastasin, et erinevate indie-mineraalmeigitootjate toonivahedest selgemat sotti saada. Nüüd swatchin (swatch tähendab kosmeetikatoote näidist kasutaja nahal) kõike, mis käeulatusse satub, sest kellelgil läheb ikka vaja. Kuidagipidi on nõnda kujunenud, et kipun rohkem looduskosmeetikast kirjutama.

Meigiblogimine, kui veidike järele mõelda, on tegelikult üks päris arendav tegevus: edendab kirjalikku väljendusoskust, annab tublisti võõrkeelepraktikat, teadmisi keemiast (kui tegemist nt looduskosmeetika-huvilisega), värviteooriat, fotograafiat ja pilditöötlust, veidi ka veebikujundust, treenib käelist osavust ning sotsiaalne suhtlusvõrk lausa plahvatab. Pealekauba muidugi suurepärased teadmised parasjagu popimatest meigisuundadest ja toodetest.

Ma ei ütleks, et blogimine täiesti mahavisatud aeg on – ja kui endal on lõbus, siis on ju tore, kuigi tuleb nõustuda, et midagi mõistlikumat leiaks kindlasti, mida ajaga ette võtta. Meigiblogindus on enamjaolt noorema rahva hobi, eks ma sellepärast teinekord veidi põe, et "asjatult aega raiskan" kuid kui veidi ringi vaadata, siis leidub minusuguseid ja veelgi vanemaid huvilisi päris palju. 
Mõni ilublogi võib olla täis vaid sisutühja juttu, teine sisaldada meisterlikku profiportfooliot ja kolmas pakkuda detailseid tootekirjeldusi eri koostisainete ühismõju analüüsiga lõpetades. Intellektuaalsest ja esteetilisest vaatenurgast on sisu absoluutselt seinast seina. 

Blogimaailmas ringikondamine mind ka märksa sallimatumaks muutnud – ei suuda silmaotsaski taluda professionaalset küündimatust. Teinekord räägivad kosmeetikamüüjad selliseid asju, mis on oma rumaluses lausa nutmaajavad (nt mineraalmeik niisutab, mingi kallis kreem, mis teeb tuhat imet ja samas toimeaine-kontsentratsioon on madalam säilitusainete omast jne). Ja miskipärast inimesed usuvad neid. Ometigi on nii palju häid kosmeetika tootmisega kokku puutuvate inimeste blogisid, mis räägivad asjast lihtsalt ja kõigi jaoks arusaadavalt – ma loodan, et mu blogi kaudu leiavad need tänuväärt infoallikad tee veelgi laiema lugejaskonnani. 

Samas on blogil veel üks, veidi väiklasem eesmärk – ma promon põhjamaiselt loomulikku jumet. Oleks juba ammu aeg oma juurte üle uhkust tunda – me oleme ebamaiselt kaunid heledanahksed iludused ja ei pea end sollipiffideks kõrvetama või pruuni võõbaga üle pritsima, et "ilusaks" saada.
Oleks tore, kui talviti enam ei näeks vastu tulemas järjekordset heledate silmadega (ja sageli ka veel lumivalgete juustega) tumeoranži persooni. Armastan väga sci-fi’d ja fantasy’t aga see ei tähenda, et neid tegelaskujusid ka tänaval kohata sooviksin. :D

Thursday, July 28

Müüa e.l.f. Studio pintslikomplekt

This post is for fellow Estonians - about a large custom purchase e.l.f. Studio brush haul I ordered in June from the US e.l.f. store. Some ppl do not have credit cards and others can't afford the unbelievable 45 eur (!) price tag the Studio set carries in the UK e.l.f. store. Here's their chance :)
e.l.f. Studio brush set - klikka suuremaks!

Saabusid mu custom purchase (CP tähendab, et  keegi nt USAs ostab Sinu eest (nt kui pood väljapoole USAd ei saada) ja saadab Eestisse edasi) pintslikomplektid - ma ikka olin tubli ja arvestasin ka teistega, sest üks selline pintslikomplekt on UK e.l.f.'i poes ebanormaalsed 45 eurot! USAs on täishind 30 dollarit ja sooduka ajal saab veelgi odavamalt. Kahjuks pole aga paki Eestisse saatmine kuigi odav ja see ajab hinnad veidi üles, nagu ka pintslite pealt tollile makstav käibemaks 20% - ühe komplekti lõpphind tuli soolased 23,4 eurot. See teeb 1,95 per pintsel, juhul kui pintslikotti (mis muide on päris korralik) ka arvutuses arvestada.

Niisiis, kes soovib pintsleid? Selles komplektis on 3 suurepärast suurt näopintslit ja posu pisikesi.

Ainuke halb asi selle komplekti juures - stipple ja angled blending brush (vt pildil komplekti kõrval) pole seal sees - need tulid müüki peale seda, kui komplekt tootmisesse anti. Samas mahuksid need suurepäraselt sinna kotti. Võtsin neid kumbagi 2 tk lisaks - 4 eur tk, kui keegi soovib komplekti veelgi laiendada.

Hetkel on e.l.f. i UK poes uskumatu allahindlus - 50%. Sama komplekti saab sealt kätte 22,5 eur+shipping! Pakkumine lõpeb 30. juulil meie aja järgi kell 15.00!

Tuesday, July 26

LisaLise's Giveaway - 100% pure organic rose hydrosol

This is a gem for all people who prefer purer, nature cosmetics. LisaLise is from Denmark, has her own little eco-cosmetics business and one of the more informative blogs on DIY cosmetics I have come across. And now she's giving away 5 sample sizes of her Hydrosol Skin Mist. I warmly suggest to check it out and take part. :)

LisaLise, kes teeb ise väikestviisi tellimise peale looduskosmeetikat ja kellel on väga tore DIY looduskosmeetika blogi, mida on alati väga huvitav ja kindlasti ka kasulik uurida, loosib välja viis roosiekstraktidega näoniisutaja testrit. Neid kasutatakse naha niisutamiseks ning ka meigi kinnitamiseks. Huvilised on oodatud :).

Saturday, July 23

Coastal Scents mica sale -ends 07/27

One teaspoon sample is 1 USD, 75 cents with the discount. Micas, when bought ounce-wise (!), are pretty much the same price as TKB's. Therefore if one needs more then the sample sizes, Coastal Scents is the place to go to on this Sunday-Wednesday. For massive sample-shopping TKB might still be the best option simply because their samples are 3 times larger.

Coastal Scentsil on parasjagu pigmendiale -25%. Pakkumine lõppeb 27. juulil. Swatchidega (pigmendid nahal) saab tutvuda siin.

Tuesday, July 19

EOTD TKB's Blackstar Gold & Honey

Since have so many new playthings, most posts will be about them: TKB's Blackstar Gold is a wonderful shimmery warm dark brown but if one already has Australian Amber, I think they do not need this one - they seem so similar. Am yet to do the comparative swatching. Used TKB's Honey (basically a very nice neutral glittery beige) to blend towards browbone. Lucy Minerals in Light as foundation and whatever it was on the blush brush as blush - probably some TKB MyMix blush.

Sunday, July 17

Lucy Minerals foundation swatches

Lucy Minerals foundation swatches

As I have been lamenting about the bastardly behaviour of EDM lots of people have suggested Lucy Minerals to me. So finally caved in and ordered the samples (the original formulation) in Fair, Pale Olive, Light, Bisque, Cream and Light Medium. Am quote pleased - Pale Olive seems to be a match. Bisque, Light and even Cream in it's yellowness seem to be quite wearable summer tones. 
Full sized foundations come in 30 gr per volume jars (10 gr net weight) and until midnight of July 18, without any shipping cost - so at the moment it's cheaper then ordering 2 two full sized EDM foundations (25% off starts at 6 products over a the EDM). 
Consistency seems to be medium coverage, nice and creamy. Overall - I definitely recommend. Ingredients list mark this as partly organic for it also contains some organic compounds:
Ingredients: zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, mica, magnesium stearate, iron oxides, allantoin, Apple Poly® polyphenols, trans-resveratrol, green coffee bean extract, magnesium ascorbyl phosphate.
One sample baggy was $1,5 and the entire sample haul cost me $11. Quite a lot for 6 little baggies. Apparently US customers get their samples in jars and internationals in  baggies.  Juicy Peach was the free gift and  - well, it's a blush with silvery shimmer. IMHO would be better without the shimmer.
 Swatches are made dry over bare skin and photographed in daylight. I have no idea why skin looks so pink on the pics.
Lucy Minerals foundation samples in Fair, Pale Olive, Light,
Bisque, Cream, Light Medium and blush sample in Juicy Peach
Good to know - they also have a pure white base so one can mix the foundation lighter when needed.
Olen EDMi sigatsemise pärast päris palju igal pool kurtnud ja mitmedki inimesed on mulle Lucy Minerals'i  mineraalpuudreid soovitanud. Tellisin siis testrid ära (kokku 7,59 eur) ja esimene mulje on küll väga positiivne. Pale Olive pole üldse halb, kui siis veidi hele suveks - talveks ideaalne. Bisque tundub kaelaga võrreldes veidi liiga oranž ja Fair on puhas hele-heleroosa. Pale Olive neutraliseerib punetuse ja üldse - roosakas rahvas ei peaks kandma tooteid, mis roosasuse veel rohkem välja toob - kes see ikka tahab Miss Piggy olla. Suur 30 gr per volume karp maksab 14 USD ja hetkel on sooduspakkumine: kuni 18. juuli südaööni saatmiskuluta. Kui üle 20 USD tellimus, siis viskavad tasuta silma v kulmuvärvi juurde (5 gr per volume) - peab vaid meeldima hakanud tooni ära mainima. Ma võibolla võtan ühe Pale Olive'i... mõtlen veel.

Wednesday, July 13

EOTD Dragonfly

Dragonfly is a duochrome (somewhat sheer light orangeish brown with green sheen) and what makes it even more special - a discontinued one . Through some weird fluke TKB is selling it again - although only ounce or pound-wise. I would have been happy with the usual sample size but since this is such a unique blend, I can live with an ounce of it. I find it a lot easyer to wear then it's blue-sheened sister Chameleon Fine. That one has quite a strong brick red base to it.
some drops of TKB's jojoba oil as moisturizer all over the face (I switch moisturizers every morning)
TKB's Dragonfly solo all over lid with 
a tad of Manhattan's eyeshadow primer underneath
e.l.f. mineral eyeliner in Ash as upper liner (patted over with Dragonfly)
Archetype's Pink Beige foundation in Level 1 Striptease all over the face, also on the brow-bone
e.l.f's mineral lipstick in Rosy Raisin 
Lumene's eyebrow pencil in Gray Brown
Lumene's mascara (eye dramatizer or smth)

Forgot to use blush and undereye highlighter:

Tuesday, July 12

e.l.f. Mineral Moisturizing Lip Tint SPF 8 in Berry and Rose

e.l.f. mineral lipstick in Rosy Raisin on the right
I've had not so good luck with e.l.f's lip products lately: Studio lip stains were a serious disappointment. The mineral lipsticks were ok but even there one out of three (Cool Coral) felt dry and streaky on the lips. Well these are Cool Coral all over again - I cannot seem to make them work on my lips. 

They feel drying and can only be applied to the outer side of lips, they wont stick to the inner side, closer to the mouth (basically it looks as if you'd eaten something and lipstick has faded away). Sizewise they're also a lot smaller then the mineral lipsticks and seem to break easily (so thin!).

Lets get down to ingredients now (please note the large content of mineral oil and that all the natural oils are at the bottom of the list):

Active Ingredient: Titanium Dioxide 4% (that's where the SPF comes from)
Inactive Ingredients: Paraffinium Liquidum (Mineral Oil), Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride (coconut oil product), Isooctyl Palmitate (palm oil product), Synthetic Wax, Microcrystalline Wax (Cera Microcristallina), Petrolatum, Bis-Diglyceryl Polyacyladipate-2, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter), Tocopheryl Acetate (Ve), Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Oil, Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil
May Contain: Iron Oxides (CI 77491, CI 77492, CI 77499), Manganese Violet (CI 77742), Mica (CI 77019) (all colorants)

The product is totally out of stock (at the US store, UK store is not carrying them yet) and the reviews are all too good to be true - I wonder - did I get mine from some bad batch? Good thing about these is there's no smell but on the other hand they taste sweet. It bugs me that I cannot see any artificial sweeteners listed amongst the ingredients.

Would I buy these again? Hell no!

Jätke need poodi - ei niisuta ja ei ole ka kuigi kergesti pealekantavad. Lisaks on nad kõige tavalisemad mineraalõlipommid, vaid parabeene ja sünteetilisi värve pole sees. Ma ei suuda siiani uskuda, et neil USA poes nii head arvustused on. Siiani olen veendunud, et e.l.f.'i Studio seeria pintslid on siiski e.l.f'i absoluutne tooteparimik - ülejäänud kaup on nii ja naa.

Monday, July 11

DIY blushmaking from March

Totally forgot I had this one to tell you about. :)

I bought a mini grinder and as the first project decided to try and make a blush. Did not end up so good - looks nice and pink in the baggie but totally orange on the cheeks - used too much iron oxide red. I guess true pink is not achievable with any oxides - needs either red  lakes or beetlepow(d)er. Grinder was surprisingly big as well - I only had TKB tablespoon-sized samples to play with and therefore tried to use them sparingly.

I do have some complaints about the grinder though :S. It's not as powerful as I'd like - it made noises as if the task would be to difficult for it whenever I tried to shake the powder loose from one or other side. The grinding bit is placed in the middle of the jar and does not reach the bottom of the jar so mixing is not as effective as it should have been. I was hoping to use it for small batches but unfortunately it wont work that way - it wont reach the pigments. Turning it upside down wont help either.

looks dirty on my skin

DIY MMU is a very messy business - gloves are strongly advised. I cannot remember what was it excatly that I used but I seem to remember various white and colored micas, titanium dioxide and some pearl powder being used. I got a bit smarter as a result - one should be very careful with oxides - those buggers are very potent. Also - one should not use titanium dioxide as base material - it's much too clingy and much too opaque and texture will be horrible, better to use some treated half-opaque micas instead. 
with very light hand
PS! It was quite difficult to clean up afterwards - especially the grinder...

Friday, July 8

Quick EOTD Plum Tree from yesterday

What a misnomer - no Plum and no tree in sight anywhere - it's almost pure glitter, no coverage whatsoever. I think that of the 8 new Simply Naturals pigments this is the disappointing one.

Colors used: Plum Tree WET all over lid, Hazelnut in the crease blended up to the browbone, Champagne on the browbone. Medium Beige foundation from the personal blend mineral powder kit in Medium as foundation (roommate said I look red in the face, will not use again). Probably EDM's Pearl Sunlight under the eyes (and e.l.f.'s mineral eyeshadow primer on the lids).

On the lips is the new e.l.f. mineral moisturizing lip tint SPF 8, which I think  an inferior product (dry and not moisturizing at all), in Berry. I'll try to have a review of those up soon - and I have to admit, am very surprised of the positive reviews this product has received by customers on the e.l.f. website...

See pigment oli pettumus - peaaegu puhas glitter. Tõenäoliselt TKB Chameleon Glitter'i baasil tehtud. Lauvärv on niiskelt peale kantud, NIISKELT - ja ikkagi pole miskit erilist tooni välja paistmas.

Thursday, July 7

TKB Trading haul

Pretty ones first:
For some weird reason Dragonfly mica was sold only in large 1 ounce baggies (but since this is such a legendary (not to mention discontinued) pigment and everyone raves about it, I just had to have it):
And here are the Reflecks piggies in direct sunlight:
The reason for the entire haul (I ran out of pans to press my pigments in):
Since TKB was out of Jojoba oil I got some Coconut oil instead. It's for pressing pigments (not everyone's skin likes the silicone mix):
And finally some suspicious white powders for my DIY foundation project :)
That was quite an expensive purchase, I hope it's the last from TKB this year...

I took all the MyMix blush pigments (some of these are truly fierce looking in the bag - Cranberry for instance) and some regular pigments I did not yet have. :) Hopefully I'm also able to make use of the large 52 mm square pans - pressing those by hand seems almost impossible to me. I also took some cardboard freestyle palettes, people seem to like them (forgot to photograph them, sry).

Let the swatcharama begin! I dread having to compare all The Conservatorie and Coastal Scents pigments again... hopefully you'll forgive me if I pass this time :). If anyone wants a comparison between some specific pigments, I'll do them gladly.

Wednesday, July 6

EOTD Monarch

Friend tells me nose looks so big on the pics because of the unfortunate camera angle - people taking their own pics sometimes end up looking quite big-nosed :D.
stuff used
Simply Naturals Monarch all over lid
Simply Naturals Raisin as lower liner
TKB's Champagne on the brow bone and as foundation all over face (felt lazy - the tone is suitable for all over face application but provides only low coverage)
TKB's Mulberry as blush
e.l.f Mineral Moisturizing lip tint in Rose on the lips (do not recommend)
close up on the eyes - click to biggify
Monarch has a strong orange undertone, probably some iron oxide blend as base - quite intensive. Orange on the other hand goes very well with blue eyes - makes them pop. Raisin looks very natural as a lower liner, better then straight white pigment I have been experimenting with recently. Eyebrows seem too bushy...

See on ülilihtne silmameik: hele toon (Champagne) kulmuluule, Monarch üle terve lau ja Raisin alumise lainerina ripsmete vahele - ripsmetušš ja valmis. Seekord ei viitsinud mineraalpuudritki kasutada, panin sedasama silmavärvi kergelt üle terve näo - nahk on nii ilus, et rohkemat pole vajagi :). 
Huulepulk oli järjekordne pettumus... Mulle tundub, et siiani on vaid mineraalhuulepulgad kasutatavad olnud, ülejäänud e.l.f'i huuletooted mulle ei sobi. Vaatame, kuidas eile õhtul tellitud Studio huulepalsamid on - kui need ka jamad, siis jätan edaspidi kõik e.l.f'i mokamäärded vahele. 
0 creasing after 12 hrs - Ladies and Gents, here's to Manhattan's eyeshadow primer!

Tuesday, July 5

EOTD Ladylike

Simply Naturals' Ladylike all over lid
TKB's Champagne on the browbone
TKB's Satin White as lower liner
EDM's Pearl Sunlight under the eyes
Porcelain form the e.l.f. personal blend mineral foundation kit (Light) as foundation - looks pinkish on the photos
Lumene's gray brown eyebrow pencil

Ladylike seems to be related to TKB's Smokey XXX - the same dark gray with pink sheen.
Blending was crappy again.
And why are my eyebrows red? 

e.l.f. mineral boosters / pealispuudrid

Boosters are there to set the makeup, add glow or tint. I usually ignore them because I cannot be bothered to use that many products every morning. Boosters lack coverage in general, they are mainly used as veils and not meant to provide coverage. e.l.f. states that it's boosters can be worn on top of mineral or  liquid foundations or as a simple wash all over the face to matify the skin etc. Main ingredient is corn starch, with Zinc Oxide and vitamins added.

I tried swatching them on bare skin but camera could not catch them that way - so I made swatches over e.l.f.'s mineral eyeshadow primer instead - of course that is NOT the way they are meant to be used but it shows the undertones quite well.

Now comes the important bit - descriptions of individual products:
When you're as pale as me - do NOT get the Sheer one - it's not sheer, it's slightly orange - and who wants to look orange? Leave Sheer to the slightly tanned folks. Pale people should either get Shimmer, which is not as shimmery as one would like to think (Mineral Glow in Shimmer is more shimmery) or when one tends to look a bit porky au naturel, the Corrective Yellow one. Shimmer has a pink glow to it, similar to TKB's Hilite Violet pigment, or Angel Wings - you know, the distinctive pink sheen, while Corrective Yellow is there to tone the pinkness down. As for the Tinted booster - a pale person may wish to wear it as blush - it's quite natural looking on the cheeks.

Pealispuudrid on midagi sellist, mida ma ise väga ei fänna - ei viitsi mitut kihti erinevaid asju peale tupsutada. Teinekord kasutan, kui soovin, et nägu vähem punetaks või siis selleks, et ninaseljale, põskedele, otsaesisele ja  lõuale kuma anda. Põhimõtteliselt peaksid boosterid aitama ka rasuse naha puhul aga ma pole suurt vahet märganud - kui ikka palava päevaga meik voolama hakkab siis ei aita miski.

Siintoodud mineral boosterid ehk pealispuudrid on 20 gr per volume karpides nagu e.l.f.'i mineraalmeigipõhjadki, heledanahksetele sobiks Shimmer ja Corrective Yellow. Shimmer sobib neile, kel tuhm, kollakas nahk - annab veidi rõõsat kuma juurde. Corrective Yellow jällegi aitab liigset punetust maha toonida. Puudrite konsistents on õhuline ja kerge, väga raske swatchida. Seetõttu on swatchid tehtud mineraallauvärvide aluskreemi peale - nii näeb puudrite alatoone paremini.

Pealekandmiseks soovitaksin e.l.f. i Studio seeria Complexion pintslit või siis Studio kabukit - vaja läheb vaid õrna kihti. Flat-top kannab toote liiga paksult peale.

Sunday, July 3

e.l.f. Mineral Personal Blend Foundation SPF 15

These are sold only at the US e.l.f. store so far.
e.l.f. personal blend mineral foundations in Light, Medium and Dark
e.l.f. launched an interesting new product in their mineral line - mix it yourself collection of 4 mineral foundations. Quality-wise they are the same as the single foundations though I must point out that the foundations in the Light set do not correlate to the mineral foundation tones - they are slightly different.
Personal Blend Foundation compared to fair and light mineral foundations and concealers
swatches done wet
Jars are rather big but the sifter is clumsy - getting the right amount of product out of there is a bit complicated  (sifter holes are so tiny that the product won't come out) and there's a risk of mixing up the contents of the small jars - at least I noticed that some product had moved from one container to the next. 
size comparison
Personally I see myself using only the fairest colors of the Light kit. I dont think it's worth buying it in my case - the other 2 colors will remain unused :S.
Porcelain on the cheek, Fair on forehead

Päris huvitav toode ja sobib inimestele, kes suvel märkimisväärselt jumekamaks muutuvad - seega minul polnud tegelikult suurt mõtet seda endale hankida. Tumedamaid toone saan vaid nt kontuurimiseks kasutada. Häda on sifteriga - augud on niivõrd väikesed, et puudrit ei saa sealt seest kätte. Tõenäoliselt tõstan enda omast vajalikud toonid eraldi topsidesse ringi - mugavam kasutada. Hind on päris soolane ja kahju on inimestest, kellele sellest komplektist vaid 1 toon sobima peaks. :S
e.l.f. personal blend mineral foundation in LIGHT
e.l.f. personal blend mineral foundation in MEDIUM
e.l.f. personal blend mineral foundation in DARK