Sunday, July 3

e.l.f. Mineral Personal Blend Foundation SPF 15

These are sold only at the US e.l.f. store so far.
e.l.f. personal blend mineral foundations in Light, Medium and Dark
e.l.f. launched an interesting new product in their mineral line - mix it yourself collection of 4 mineral foundations. Quality-wise they are the same as the single foundations though I must point out that the foundations in the Light set do not correlate to the mineral foundation tones - they are slightly different.
Personal Blend Foundation compared to fair and light mineral foundations and concealers
swatches done wet
Jars are rather big but the sifter is clumsy - getting the right amount of product out of there is a bit complicated  (sifter holes are so tiny that the product won't come out) and there's a risk of mixing up the contents of the small jars - at least I noticed that some product had moved from one container to the next. 
size comparison
Personally I see myself using only the fairest colors of the Light kit. I dont think it's worth buying it in my case - the other 2 colors will remain unused :S.
Porcelain on the cheek, Fair on forehead

Päris huvitav toode ja sobib inimestele, kes suvel märkimisväärselt jumekamaks muutuvad - seega minul polnud tegelikult suurt mõtet seda endale hankida. Tumedamaid toone saan vaid nt kontuurimiseks kasutada. Häda on sifteriga - augud on niivõrd väikesed, et puudrit ei saa sealt seest kätte. Tõenäoliselt tõstan enda omast vajalikud toonid eraldi topsidesse ringi - mugavam kasutada. Hind on päris soolane ja kahju on inimestest, kellele sellest komplektist vaid 1 toon sobima peaks. :S
e.l.f. personal blend mineral foundation in LIGHT
e.l.f. personal blend mineral foundation in MEDIUM
e.l.f. personal blend mineral foundation in DARK


  1. Very helpful - thanks.

  2. This was extremely helpful. I couldn't find a video on YouTube with someone using this product in medium! Thank you so much. You are a life safer :)
