Tuesday, July 19

EOTD TKB's Blackstar Gold & Honey

Since have so many new playthings, most posts will be about them: TKB's Blackstar Gold is a wonderful shimmery warm dark brown but if one already has Australian Amber, I think they do not need this one - they seem so similar. Am yet to do the comparative swatching. Used TKB's Honey (basically a very nice neutral glittery beige) to blend towards browbone. Lucy Minerals in Light as foundation and whatever it was on the blush brush as blush - probably some TKB MyMix blush.


  1. Blackstar gold looks so lovely . I don't have any of TKB's pigments , but maybe i will buy some , now i've seen yours :)

  2. This looks like it is a good tone for a softer version of the smokey eyes effect. Very nice.

  3. Meenutab tõesti Australian Amber pigmenti. Ilus meik ja ilusad kõrvarõngad ka.:)
