Wednesday, June 15

When is the best time to shop at e.l.f's UK store?

Here's some calculations for NON UK people. (UK peeps have slightly different calculations because their shipping cost is lower and they receive free shipping on orders starting from £30.) 

First column contains the price of items, second the entire cost of the purchase including shipping, third describes the situation during free shipping and fourth allows us to see, how much we should purchase for the -20% offer to really start paying off. Please let me know should there be any miscalculation on my part.
Of course there are several other offers, recently there was a -25% offer on all Studio products but those are totally random and cannot be predicted. Free shipping and -20% storewide are predictable, both of them are launched as e.l.f. UK store's FB page reaches another 10 000 likes.

Igaks juhuks seletan ka Eesti keeles - e.l.f.'il on teinekord soodustused, tavapärased on postikuluta saatmine või siis 20% odavam ostukorv. Selles tabelis siin on näha, et milline neist pakkumistest on soodsaim mingi tellitava koguse juures. Seega kui soovid tellida üle 20 naela eest, on mõistlik ära oodata -20% soodustus samas kui väiksema ostuga tasub "free shipping" end rohkem ära.

20% sooduskood või free shipping kukub siis, kui järgmised 10 000 Like'i FB kodulehel kokku kogunenud. 

PS! Here's the calculation for UK peeps as well:


  1. Wowwwwww great table honey!! So helpful! I'm saving it to my computer ;) x

  2. Its even cheaper after £30 you get free shipping

  3. @Anonymous that's for UK people only! ;) The table is for NON Uk people :) x

  4. I'll do a separate table for UK people tomorrow - seems there's a need for one ;)

  5. See on küll hea tabel. Ei peagi enam ise mõtlema, et millise pakkumisega mida ja kui palju osta on kasulikum. Tubli! ;)

  6. so the 20% pays off the most, but did you calculate the shipping into the total price?
    If you get all of the items on 20% off you still have to pay shipping. The shipping price varies due to the amount and location.

  7. still very cool list and thanks for the effort :D

  8. Yup, shipping's also calculated with the -20% offer. Cheapest EU shipping is always 3,95.

  9. Super tabel!
    Ei peagi omi halle ajurakke vaevama ja mõtlema nuputama milline soodukas soodsam tuleb.
