Tuesday, June 14

Simply Naturals - old flame, new haul

This was one of the first places I shopped when I first entered the MMU world - cheap piggies! Most of them I have given away by now, kept only a chosen few. A makeup beginner usually purchases "cool" and "interesting" colors but "cool"  and "interesting" do not always mean "suits the skin tone". ;)

Tina sells some piggies straight but also makes her own blends. One of those I absolutely adore - Cafe Satin. For me it's the perfect dark taupe ever. Since it's jar is becoming more and more empty I decided to get a refill and one more just in case. Lately I had been eyeing rest of Tina's brown colors as well and here they finally are:
Two of them are more in the purple category: Ladylike and Devine. Ladylike is a variation of TKB's Smokey XXX and Devine is silvery dark gray with a tiniest tint of pink. 
wet swatches

Umber and Raisin look utterly delicious to me - delicate neutral brown and matching beige. Plum Tree is based on TKB's Chameleon Glitter (I guess) - hard to make a wet swatch and extremely glittery - needs a sticky base. This one will probably look a lot better when applied on the eyelid. I'll try tomorrow :). Monarch - like a very expensive camel wool coat, beautiful light pinkish-beige taupe, lovely silvery sheen. Beachwood is your typical warm dark brown but it has some shimmer in it - this one should be tested on the eye as well. Hazelnut and Cafe Satin look like a perfect pair. Hazelnut somehow reminds me of TKB's Athena but it's not quite it. They could be sisters. Cafe Satin has no equal - no MMU wholesaler carries a mix like this, it's subtle, elegant everyday wear for a classy look - I LOVE it. 

The jars are packed to the brim as usual (no sifters) and pigments fall all over the place when one takes off the plastic wrapper and opens the jar... I usually depot them into larger jars but this time I'll press them - what a lovely neutral palette this will make! :)
tiny Simply Naturals eyeshadow haul
Odavad lauvärvipigmendid = Simply Naturals'i eBay pood. Kiire ja lihtne, soovitan väga soojalt. Infot selle kohta, kuidas tellida, tuleks vaadata mu jaanuarikuisest postitusest. See konkreetne 10-topsine posu läksmul maksma 19,99 dollarit  (saatmiskulu seal sees), mis teeb ühe värvi maksumuseks 1,53 eurot! (ca 24 kr 5 gr per volume tops).  Kohale tuli ühe nädalaga (tavaliselt tuleb USAst pakk kaks nädalat).

PS! Here are swatches of the free samples that also made it to my parcel: Lizard, Golden Poppy and Aqua Marine.


  1. See on isegi soodsam, kui mu Mad Mineralsi kraam, jätan meelde. Väga ilusad toonid.

  2. MAD on jah üle poole kallim, SN on odavaim mida tean, eBay repackereid arvesse võtmata. :)
    Ainuke häda on, et algaja ei tee vahet, kas tegu repackaged või originaalse värviga - ma püüan nädalavahetusel mõningaid värve ka hulgimüüjate omadega võrrelda. Päris hea ettekujutus on juba, et mille baasil miski tehtud on. :)

  3. Ilusad neutraalsed toonid.

  4. Kuidas sa neid swatche muidu teed? Paned primeri alla või teed kõik niikselt, et nad nii ilusad jäävad?

  5. Aitäh, Sissukas ja Sil :)
    Niiske pintsliga nahale :), primerit ei viitsi raisata sest swatchide puhul pole nende kestvus oluline. Nendel piltidel on sinine toon kuidagi tugevamalt jäänud, tegelikult on silmaga vaadates need värvid tibake soojemad.

  6. Tänan, proovin teinekord siis niimoodi ise ka teha :)
