Sunday, April 3

Coastal Scents mica haul

I posted news of a CS sale recently - well, here are the goodies:

I think there's something wrong with me - I did not experience the usual excitement when ordering, receiving the parcel or even when swatching - it seemed so "same old, same old" to me.

Pigments look the same to me - now that I have Conservatorie, TKB and CS all lined up in my stash and ready to be compared. The excitement is gone. I miss that :s I think it's impossible for me to find something new and exciting from MMU wholesalers - it's time I'll really take initiative and start making more of my own mixtures.

I was so absent minded that I ordered Goldstone again - what was I thinking! I wanted to try Gemtone Topaz! The only color that made me go "hmmmm" was Satin Rouge, nice subtle warmish red tone, no sparkle and minimum sheen. I do not know what came over me - so many bronzes and beiges in this haul... I also have to add: the Paradise series micas contain cetyl dimethicone and I think this is also the reason why they're hydrophobic - do not mix with water.
CS Antique Gold is very dirty - it has lots of dark oxides in it and if used dry, there's a great chance the outcome will not look golden but just dirty dark. No love. Remings me of TKB's Verdigris Gold.
Sparkle Blue is exactly as name describes although the glitter  is not very prominent. When Metallic Pixie Purple is more of a blueish purple Orchid Shimmer falls more to the reddish spectrum but is not as red as TKB's Grape.

Hot Side Pink is baby pink with  blueish sheen.
Satin Bronze is a pleasant dark golden color, similar to Paradise Tropic Bronze.
Metallic Pearl Honey Tan is similar to Aruban Coral though the latter seems to have more coverage.
Australian Amber is less sparkly then the same pigment in TKB's selection, more satiny.
Paradise Sand is slightly more pinkish then Aruban Coral, lovely pinkish beige.
Camel is either Conservatorie's Gold Earth or TKB's Apricot, more thorough swatching will show later.
Dark red with a bit of old lady pink in it - that's Satin Rouge.
Paradise Rose Sky has plenty of metallic sheen. Must compare it to Conservatorie´s dark reds.
Ruby has less coverage and seems to be darkish sort of pinkish red. Lots of sheen.
Misterioso Bronze is another metallic beige, looks very much like Goldstone but the latter has more "gold" in it.
Paradise Breeze - copper red-orange. Like TKB's Copper Penny.

Here's an EOTD using Metallic Pearl Honey Tan and Australian Amber:
And a picture of stuff used:
Ma vist olen vilkudest väsimas - vedru on maha käinud... pole enam uusi ja huvitavaid kohanud. Ei jää muud üle kui ise suurema hoolega segama hakata.


  1. Ilus EOTD! Mul ka mõned CS pigmendid. Siin nähtutest Antique Gold ja Goldstone. Mingil kuldsel perioodil tellitud, aga erilist vaimustust ei tekita. Tekstuur on eriti AG-l kuidagi tolmav või ma ei teagi kuidas öelda. Aga CS-lt soovitaks üht pintslit - Pro Blending Fluff Brush.Pole küll päris teisik, aga siiski väga sarnane MAC 217-le (mul see ka olemas, seega julgen võrrelda).See fluff brush on neil paraku tihti välja müüdud. Üldiselt ma CS pintsleid väga kõrgelt ei hinda, aga see tasub minu arvates küll proovimist.

  2. Thanks Kitty :), go and check them out during their next sale - it's sure to come!

    Sil, panen nõuande kõrvataha - eks varsti tule ka mõni -20% pintslitele, ega tulemata jää... :) mulle meeldib CS väga odav aga minu jaoks täpselt õige suurusega shade and shadow brush - pisikesed silmad. Ma ütleks, et osad CS pigmendid tunduvad kuidagi "hõredad" oma tekstuurilt, rohkem läiget kui tegelikku katvust, mätsid ja mätsid aga tolku ei miskit...

  3. I think the colors are really beautiful. But then again, I own practically very little MMU eyeshadows.
