Monday, March 28

Review on Smashbox's fairest foundi

Smashbox's High Definition Healthy FX Foundation Spf 15 in F0 and Photo Finish Color Correcting Foundation Primer in "Adjust" (thank you for the samples, Anja :)) are in the spotlight today.

Unfortunately the foundation is a bit orange on me... on the swatches I have compared it with MAC Face & Body foundations in C1 and C2 (also light to medium coverage, rather liquid consistency). Smashbox's High Definition Healthy FX Foundation offers light to medium coverage and a lovely glowing result. Forgot to take a "before" picture, sry.

green primer, Smashbox's foundi and a layer of
EDM's Olive Fair in semi-matte to counteract the orange
(note tone difference with the neck)
Foundation primer is very similar to the Monistat anti-chafing gel in structure but just like anti-chafing gel, it does not protect my makeup from sebum for I am a true oil refinery. The greenness seems to work a bit but the foundation put all the red back again. I truly think I need a grayish yellow foundation...

I'll try the green primer with other foundations as well - and I still have to test the samples of the ordinary Photo Finish Foundation Primer (often compared to Monistat anti-chafing gel but since even that will not keep sebum under control, am a bit worried there might be no difference for me).

MAC C1 seems to be the lightest and most neutral of the three

stuff used: Pearl Sunlight is under the eyes

Olen olnud väga hõivatud ja ka veidi laisk, postitustes on ilmatuma pikad vahed ja materjali aina koguneb, koguneb, koguneb... Vabandan.

Sain posu pisikesi testreid ja nüüd aegamööda olen neid proovinud. Smashboxi heledaima meigipõhja võivad lumivalgekesed kenasti maha kanda - oranž. Suvel saaks kanda aga talvel ei õnnestu... 

Primerid e aluskreemid on silikoonipõhised ning peaksid poore vähendama, jumet ühtlustama ning jumestuspõhju paremini peal hoidma, see rohekas primer peaks ka nahapunetust vähendama ja minu meelest oli mõningane efekt täitsa olemas - enne kui oranži foundi jälle peale panin. 

Siin võrdluses toodud MACi C1 ja C2 on MACi Face and Body Foundation'ite heledaimad külmad meigipõhjad. Ma tõesti, tõesti tahaks kohata mõnda külma tooniga jumestuskreemi, mis poleks ORANŽ.


  1. MACi Face & Body foundation meeldib v2ga (mul see C1), aga Smashboxi pole proovinud. Tundub suhteliselt tume (ma olen ikka v2ga heleda nahaga, mis teha)

    Tore bloog, muide - love it :)

    Tervitusi Londonist


  2. Tänud:)
    valgenahksetel on jumestustoodete leidmisega kehvad lood jah :)
