Monday, January 17

Small Coastal Scents haul

Almost 3 years in MMU and no CS piggies - unheard of! This flaw has been now fixed - starting from last week I am a proud owner of some CS mica samples and a couple of duo-fibre eye brushes. CS micas are $1 a teaspoon baggie, there's no minimum order and shipping seems to be quite quick.

There are no decent swatches available on their homepage, swatches of the micas are quite difficult to find (their palettes on the other hand are reviewed a lot) and therefore I'm very grateful to MK who has  made lots of CS swatches and put them up in her blog Polish&Pigments for all of us to marvel.

Here are the piggies I got:
Duochrome Iridicent Green Gold - looks dirty, must compare to TKB's greens;
Duochrome Sparkle BY226J - reminds me of TKB's Ocean Green but the base looks somewhat darker;
Sage Blue - bluegreen shimmer;
Goldstone - olive gold, will compare to antique golds of other companies;
Duochrome BG826C - on the homepage it said this could be TKB's Coral Reef but I do not have that to check;
Blue-Red Chrome - I suspect this could be TKB's Ballad Blue which I do not have;
Metallic Pixie Purple - will compare to TKB's purples, reminds me of my least favorite purple, TKB's Pure Purple from Edda's set;
Duochrome Red Orange - lovely golden red color, seems awfully familiar;
Foliage Flutter - nothing like TKB's version, this one is much more pink toned;
Chrome Carmine - reminds me of TKB's Apricot and Conservatorie's Gold Earth.

Coastal Scents mica swatches, colors applied dry over Manhattan's primer
(with the exception of Sage blue which is applied wet)
I do not trust CS ingredient labels. Last night as I pressed some of the colors, some of them bled on me. And this does NOT happen, when product is plain mica. This means there must be some alum dyes in there that are not listed on the ingredients list. What do you think?

Lõpuks ometi on mu kollektsioonis ka veidi CS vilgusegusid ja paar pintslit. Valisin proovimiseks duokroomseid toone ja duo-fibre silmapintsleid. Nonde kohta tuleb veel eraldi postitus. Pakk jõudis kiirelt kohale, alla kahe nädala võttis aega - ning lisaks oli juurde pandud imepisike clam-shell tester miski sädeleva roosa puruga. Järgmisel nädalavahetusel võrdlen erinevate hulgimüüjate sarnaseid toone. Peale seda ei taha jälle oma kuu aega midagi swatchida.
Pigmendid on siin pildil kuivalt Manhattani silmameigi aluskreemile pintseldatud - tavaliselt teen swatchid märjalt, seekord ei viitsinud.  Sage Blue on pigem shimmer, katvus on väga nõrk - meenutab TKB Breath of Spring'i, mis on rohelisem ja veelgi läbipaistvam läige/sädelus. Selle pidin märjaks tegema, muidu ei jäänud pea üldse näha.

PS! To all devastated fans of the TKB's discontinued Shamrock green - CS's Duochrome Iridicent Green Gold is almost a dupe! It's more golden while Shamrock is greener but the extra green can be added :P


  1. You got several of my favorites there. Duocrome BG and Coral Reef aren't dupes- maybe it matches Coral Reef from The Conservatorie? They're close though. D/C Green Gold is also close to their Gemstone Topaz.

  2. I picked the ones that sounded most interesting :D, unfortunately Metallic Pixie Purple turned out to be a plain purple and Goldstone an almost match to Conservatorie's Antique Gold. Conservatorie's Coral Reef has an orange pic on the webpage but yes, it should actually be green-blue if one believes the written description. :D
