Saturday, January 15

e.l.f. mineral brush series

Actually I do not understand, why e.l.f made this set and called it the mineral set - it has no kabuki on it's own. I would have thought they'd aim at something like the Ecotools bronzer brush (which I do not have).
I did not pick all the brushes for reviewing, left out the C-brush because on other ppl's pics it looked like the copy of the studio version. Overall: these brushes look and feel good, no shedding.

Lets start from left:
Blending eye brush - it's somewhat shorter and smaller then the rest, round tipped and fluffy, bristles are set in a round ferrule and have plenty of space for moving. Mine has become slightly flat in transit. It's weird that so far e.l.f. has still not come out with a fluffy yet pointed tipped blender/crease brush - they're all round.
Complexion brush is pretty much just another color version of the Studio complexion brush, slightly more compact and dense. Bristles are shorter and ferrule narrower.
Powder brush - is floppy, airy - all good qualities if one wants only a slight layer of powder on the skin. It's not suitable for mineral powder application, only if one wishes a feather-light application but most of us aim for full coverage anyway. This one shed a couple of bristles. Heavenly softness though...
Contour brush - is a stiff pencil brush, has a domed tip. This one is suitable for applying color in the crease but blending should be left to the blending brush. I think for a contour brush the tip is rather big, people with small eyes like me will have difficulties using it for this purpose. BUT it can also be used as a concealer brush to hide pimples :). Not for the under eye concealer, cause the brush seems rather stiff.
Blush brush - has a small condensed head. At first I thought it to be useless but then - it's just the right size for contouring and apples of the cheeks. Beautifully tapered, no rogue hairs peaking out at weird angles.
Here's the blush brush with it's brethren: left is Studio blush brush, which for me is useless but other ppl love and on the right a random angled blush brush from syntho brushes series The Conservatorie offers. All three have luxuriously soft bristles but different shapes.

Tiny mineral set mimics Ecotools. Brushes are pretty much the same and it looks fine for a travel set. I do not use travel sets, I travel with my full sized brushes. Both mini kabukis seem too small for me, perfect for kids though - in a play makeup set or something. Or maybe in someone's clutch bag but even then I'd choose a loaded retractable kabuki.

Here they are compared to Ecotools: 
The pouches look similar too, e.l.f. pouch being more practical, cause it's a tiny bit bigger. Ecotools' powder brush does not fit in the Ecotools bag, it's squashed there because of the bag being too small. Eyeshadow brush is slightly narrower but not as narrow as it looks on the pic - it has just slided to an unphotographable angle.

Mineral seeria pintslid tunduvad enam vähem samad mis tavaseeria omad - vaid värvivahe. Kõik on ülipehmed ning vaid suur puudripintsel viskas paar karva. Samas on mul raskusi mõistmisega - miks neid pintsleid mineraalmeigi sarja all müüakse? Selles komplektis ei ole ju ühtki bufferit ega kabukit?
Suur puudripintsel on pehme ja hõre, st et annab ülikerge katvuse. Sobib pealispuudritele, meigi kinnitamiseks jne. Tõenäoliselt hea ka väga õhukese päikesepuudrikihi pealekandmiseks.
Complexion brush on nagu tavaline chisel põsepunapintsel, veidi väiksem  ning kompaktsem kui Studio seeria oma. Põsepunapintsel on pisi-pisikese otsaga - olin päris üllatunud. Aga see ots on tihe ning pintsel ise kvaliteetselt tehtud, sobib põsepuna kandmiseks põsesarnadele ning kontuurimiseks.
Hajutuspintsel (blending brush) on kogult väiksem kui teised, lühema varrega. St et vajub teiste kõrval kusagile topsisügavustesse. Ots on ümar, pehme ja piisavalt pisike, et ka minu silmavakku mahtuda. 
Kontuurimispintsel (contour brush) ei tundu mulle ülesannete kõrgusel olema, liiga suure otsaga ja jäik. Kujutan ette, et sobiks paremini peitepuudreid/kreeme peale kandma. 
Pisike travel set on Ecotools'i koopia, nii suuruselt kui funktsioonilt. 


  1. I noted that, too! I could never digest why their mineral brushes didn't have a kabuki/flat top variant. ho-hummmm...

    thanks for going through most of the brushes one by one. this post sure is helpful for those who are itching to get ELF's new collection but are clueless as to which are the best ones to buy.

  2. I'd recommend people to get the Studio set, add blending brush and blush brush from mineral series to it and that's it - all the other brushes are pretty much already there. No need to pay more. Of course, if one wishes to have an exceptionally large brush - then powder brush too :)

    Thank you for the comment! :)
