Wednesday, January 26

CS pigment comparison: Greens

TKB's Shamrock Green disappearing from the market is a blow - therefore it's nice to know that there indeed are some alternatives (I have several friends for whom Shamrock is their absolute favorite green). CS's Duochrome Iridicent Green Gold is a marvelous muted green with a strong golden sheen and makes a wonderful alternative. I think it's the gold it contains that makes all the difference - warm greens like this one do not make me look washed out and overly pink.

CS's Sage Blue and TKB's Breath of Spring are similar in their sheerness but not color, Breath of Spring is a tad more sheer and Sage Blue has a darker (muted greenish gray) base. Both of them are accent colors, used over others or perhaps for delicate blending. Sage Blue should not be rubbed, the darker base will come through and make the color muddy. :S 

Kristel rõõmustab - ma leidsin midagi, millega tema lemmikrohelist pigmenti (Shamrock) asendada :). Sage Blue aga on puhtalt tõepoolest rohkem läige kui värv - katvus on minimaalne. Tuleb base-seguga segada, ehk saab katvust juurde kuidagipidi. Mul läbipaistvad primerid ja ei viitsi ihutooni katvat meigialuskreemi vaid selle tühja pärast hankima hakata.

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