Wednesday, August 25

Stiilisoeng 60ndatest / 60s hairdo

Sattus kätte vana Siluett, vist aastast 61 või 62. Mulle tohutult imponeerib 60ndate kostüümi- ja kleidimood, endalgi üks sama joont järgiv väike must kleit olemas nagu ka kingad ning isegi kott kuid juustega seevastu olen kaunis lootusetu juhtum - juuksed teevad mida juuksed tahavad.
Siin kirjeldatakse ajastuutruu soengu tegemist kaunis lihtsana... teinekord võiks ära proovida. Juuksed on just parajasti nii pikaks kasvanud, ehk õnnestub.
I leafed through some old 60s fashion magazines, "Siluett" was THE fashion magazine in Soviet Union for decades and ruled 1/6 of the planet's fashion. It covered topics from hair to ideology but mostly it was all about clothes and cutting patterns. This hairdo caught my eye, I'm rather partial to the overall clothing-style of the era, I find it classy, functional and elegant (not so much the hairstyles, the latter seem a bit too heavy and helmet-y lookig in general). I'm not sure I am able to wear this particular do since my hair is a bit thin and perhaps too soft. And there's no way I can make this one myself... Would like to give it a try though.


  1. I'd like to be able to recreate this hairdo, I have to give it a try with my long hair. It's really classy and so elegant !

  2. Your hair texture would be perfect for this hairdo. Do you have a matching dress? Would make a wonderful post, I cant wait :).
