Monday, August 23

Guilty pleasures... shopping

Am quite serious about my own little pigment pressing project and started collecting the necessities. The 28 slot magnetic palette from StarsMakeupHaven arrived today and I had a warm fuzzy feeling imagining all my 120+ piggies nicely pressed, labelled and color coordinated. Since there's just this one palette, it will only be housed by a select few (28). I think there will be a riot in my makeup-drawer...

Shipping was amazingly fast, shipped on August 17th and arrived on August 23rd, communication was excellent. Item was in superb condition and the only thing I did not like was the strange chemical smell. Understandable - it's plastic and plastic usually stinks. The lid is matte and my greasy fingerprints are all plain to see. It is quite thin and looks sleek and elegant, with my soft fingernails I found it a little bit difficult to open. I believe I will be getting more of these some time in the future, it would significantly decrease the amount of space needed to stash all my piggies. I just wish they'd be more affordable. :S

Quite a lot of bloggers refer to SMH eyeshadows as "poor man's MAC". Colors already in the palette were the little extras provided by SMH: red is Light My Fire and green goes by the name Call A Treuse. I reckon I won't be swatching these, since I'm pretty sure I already have similar colors in my collection, anyone craving to see the swatches can look at them here. Maybe I can find better homes for these, I feel more comfortable wearing taupes. SMH makeup is ordinary makeup and not pure MMU, containing methylparaben and alum lakes. Ingredients can be seen here (on the other side of the plastic wrappings they come in):

Little 26 mm round pans I got earlier from TKB all fit in the slots and are magnetized as well. All I need now is the TKB Trading's pressing binder... Or if I can get my hands on some pure alcochol I can try pressing with the jojoba oil I already have (this goes rancid pretty quickly though, fractionated coconut oil is said to be better for pressing). I have to tell you one bad thing about TKB... they never stop. Somehow they manage to add just the things I like and want (and let's be frank - do not need) to their shop's inventory. Overall I think this is just mean...

Saabus mu palett - näeb imekena välja, must ja elegantselt õhuke, A5 formaat. Haiseb veidi, peab tuulutama. Kahju vaid et nad nii kallid on... oleks kohe 4 võtnud. Ühe hind koos saatmiskuludega tuli kakskümmend neli ameerikamaa tugrikut. Kui odavamaks lähevad, hangin juurde. Tõenäoliselt on aasta pärast neid eBayst ka odavamalt saada, siis saab mõelda ka ülejäänud kollektsiooni pressimisele, hetkel on prioriteet pigem neutraalsetel pruunidel toonidel. Ma nüüd põen veidi seda roppu raharaiskamist...


  1. Mul on ka selline, kuid alt magnetida. Võtsin selle resti ära, kleepisin pannide alla magnetit ning mahub palju rohkem. Lisaks on meikimine parem, kuna paletis on värvid rohkem lähestikku ning silm tabab paremini ära, mida seekord kokku võiks sobitada.

  2. I just ordered palette and pans to try pressing some of my pigments, too! I haven't tried before, so I'm going to do a couple of practice ones using glycerin/alcohol and a couple using biosilk/alcohol to see which I like better. I've heard that the biosilk can make them less pigmented, but apparently it's the same ingredients as coastal scents ez prez, which I've heard good things about, so I'll just have to see how it works.

  3. Ohh ma just sain oma iluduse, ei raatsi resti veel ära võtta kuid tulevikus tuleb seda vist teha - mahutab 7-10 värvi rohkem. Mul on pannil juba magnetpõhi ka olemas, mul jääb kleepimine ära. :)

    Hi Bebo, I think Biosilk is for hair, right? I think the main ingredients there are the *cones, Cyclomethicone and Dimethicone. I'll try natural oils first and then, if those do not work (natural olis supposedly go rancid quickly), move on to TKB's pressing liquid that's also based on the *cones. I like to keep my makeup as simple as possible :). And I'll be looking forward to your posts on pressing the pigments :)

  4. To avoid jojoba il to get rancied, add a drop of vitamine E :)
    I tried before with jojoba oil + vitamine E and I liked it.
    I'm curious about coconut oil !

  5. Mademoiselle, where did you get your Tocopherol from? TKB?

  6. Anonüüm, kui mitu panni said sinna paigutada, kui olid resti ära võtnud?
