Tuesday, June 18

Becoming senile in later years...

...necessitates my return to this medium. How else am I going to keep a tab on shitproducts and avoid buying them again?

Note to self: avoid Lidl crap, make-up removal products suck and boy, do they suck baaaaad.

You are supposed to slather this thick greasy ointment onto your face and then wash off with water. Supposedly one should have a clean face after this procedure, well - I turned into a racoon.

The Ciel micellar water does nothing as well as the racoon is here to stay. They must have bottled tapwater for the product has zero effect as pertain to mascara removal.

Back to Garnier's milky water all-in1 it is... Altjough it's price has hiked considerably, now costing almost 10€ for 400 ml.

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