Sunday, September 16

Lucy Minerals foundation swatches

my old jar of Pale Olive seems larger
but the new ones should contain the same
amount of product, 10 grams per weight
Recently I have been taking advantage of Lucy Minerals' generous offers - Annie has moved (and enlarged) her shop and managed to organize some nice sales events at the same time.

Her foundations have medium to heavy coverage and she has special base mixes for people with extremely oily skin (either with calcium carbonate or silica). Her ordinary recipe contains organic components as well: 
Ingredients~zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, mica, magnesium stearate, iron oxides, allantoin, Apple Poly® polyphenols, trans-resveratrol, green coffee bean extract, magnesium ascorbyl phosphate; you can read more about these skin-beneficial ingredients here.
For MMU purists she has her Lucy Light recipe which contains the basic pure mineral makeup ingredients only: zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, mica, magnesium stearate, iron oxides. No organic additives and suitable for people who might react badly to them. Of course one can always order samples of different recipes. I have ordered all my goodies in original recipe and am quite happy with my stuff: lasts up to 6 hrs on my face, then the oil takes over (I found the oil-control recipe a bit too drying for my skin - after all I am already 34).

The foundation itself is heavy on low-micron zinc oxide and titanium dioxide  which makes it extremely covering but also makes the finish not completely matte - it will have a glow (not shimmer or sparkle, sort of a pale cast). The effect is insignificant enough for the foundation still to be usable on older skin as well but complete and utter matte-ness is not achieved. This is definitely not suitable for photoshoots but is excellent when one needs to look great irl.

Because of it's recipe (heavy on those coverage providing white pigments) most tones all run on the light side - I can wear Fair and Pale Olive for winter and Light, Bisque, Light Medium and Shell Beige for summer. 
Application should be approached with care - I advise to use small amounts, cakeyness is easy to happen here, especially when on is using a flat-top brush. Packaging is ok. Sometimes some of the powder has moved on top of the sifter  (Annie uses twistable sifter seals, those are not glued shut with a separate plastic seal) but no big harm has come of it.
But enough talk: here are the foundation swatches :)
Fair, Light, Pale Olive, Cream, Bisque, Light Medium, Shell Beige, Soft Beige and Medium

Lucy Minerals on hetkel üks odavamaid MMU veebipoode - kvaliteet on hea, katvus suurepärane ja toonivalik kaunis laialdane. Tema eripakkumised on tavaliselt tasuta rahvusvaheline saatmine ja mõni eriliselt tore puudri-kit (juurde pannakse kas  testrid või selle kuu tasuta toode). 
Ostsin enda omad 20 USD kit'idena. Lisaks tasub talle ka kirjutada ning ostu tehes mainida, et "paki väärtus võiks olla selline". 20USD kit mahub alla tollipiiri ja ei jää kinni aga kallimad pakikesed jäävad napilt üle selle ning üks jubedamaid asju mida tean, on Eesti Postist tollis oleva paki kättesaamine. Lihtsalt JUBE. Ma maksan selle lisanduva käibemaksu vingumata ära aga PALUN ÄRGE SUNDIGE MIND SINNA IDIOOTLIKKU KANDEKESKUSESSE MINEMA! Ma ei taha näha haisvaid osse ja mädanevate süstlajälgedega narkareid. :S Selle kohta tuleb lausa eraldi rant teha...


  1. Thanks for the kind greeting :) - I'll try to be a better writer now. I am already working on the next piece - there's a MMU company in Estonia now and I went to their event last Thursday :)
    Sorry for being away so long, I was a bit tired. :)

  2. Ma rõõmustan ka siiralt selle üle, et sa blogimaastikul tagasi oled. :)

    Hetkel olen ise ka selles "olen veidi väsinud blogimisest" faasis. Tahaks millestki põnevamast vahelduseks kirjutada, aga eventidele pole kutsutud ja ise internetis tuhlates pole millegi põneva otsa sattunud...

  3. Liis - I hope you are fresh, full of energy and back with a vengance. It sounds like you have some exciting things planned! I can't wait to hear more about the Estonian company!

  4. Liis, nii tore jälle sinu põhjalikku arvustust lugeda! Tekkis kohe soov kõnealuseid puudreid katsetada...

    Mul on sinust mitmeid pilte Ontic'u ürituselt, võin jagada. Kui sul huvi on, siis kirjuta mulle.

  5. Tere Tolmu :), mul on Onticu pilte puudu - proovin siin igasugu sämpleid enda peal ja jeesus - haigest peast EI SAA ilusaid :S. Ma võtaks Sult heal meelel mõned pildid endast. :)
    Aga Lucy testreid saad iga kell - mul ju kotikesed olemas :)
