Saturday, December 17

Break is over

I think it's time for a comeback :). Trip was nice, end-of-yeat workstress still continues but that should be overlooked - stress has always been there and always will be - as long as people have to do something called "work". :S
And there's so much to write about! I have visited Jane Iredale and got their fairest foundation swatches, The Conservatorie sent me a parcel while I was away, LisaLise's moisturizers have not been properly reviewed yet, and then my own purchases from Meow, Lucy Minerals, The Conservatorie and TKB Trading need to be put up as well. Those TKB pigments have not been reviewed since August! I am truly lagging behind - and there's no shortage for material.

As for the trip - Mauritius was wonderful! It was not too warm yet and half of the days had some clouds which made the conditions very suitable for me. I only got sunburned once, managed to tan my face though so now it's darker then my body - but winter will take care of that.

And local tap water was a marvel: tap water in Tallinn is such crap compared to it. It left the skin smooth and hair shiny and I had no dandruff whatsoever. And when I drank it - it tasted sweet! None of that metallic-y aftertaste I'm so used to here. The water was rationed though - we were staying in the dry bit of the island.
I only wish I had more time the next time I go - I'd really like to visit some nature-reserve as well - to see the local flora (and perhaps some more fauna). This island has had other species introduced to it ever since it's first inhabitants arrived - palms from Cuba and lots of plants (I think so) from Thailand and Indonesia.  I'd really like to know what it looked like when the first inhabitants came. And I have to say - It's a paradise for bougainvilleas - they grow everywhere. All colors, all the time. So many blooming plants - unbelievably pretty.
Mangroves - another introduced species - brought in
to help protect the beaches from large waves.


  1. Welcome back! That sounds very heavenly and I'm sure you can appreciate warm weather =)!

  2. welcome back! Wow, I love the last pic. I tried lucy minerals recently, wow I'm in love with it, I found my shade. I'll grab full size after I finished the sample.

  3. Yay ! You're back! You look utterly relaxed and gorgeous in your picture!

  4. Welcome back! It looks and sounds so beautiful there.
