Saturday, September 3

LisaLise's Giveaway - pure body butter

Yesterday I had a nice surprise - a parcel in my mailbox. Those who follow LisaLise's blog already know that she has a giveaway spree going on: the last one was just the other week and since she had 8 sample sets to give away, the chances of winning were pretty good :). 
I actually feel bad for not promoting this giveaway more, the product sure deserves this. This time it was a set of Bare Basic Body Butters: both based on pure cocoa butter (that's why it's texture reminded me of white chocolate!), one with thistle oil and the other with hazelnut oil. LisaLise asked all the winners to agree to give feedback on the product afterwards so there will be another post after I have had the pleasure of using both of these.
My first impression - I started with thistle oil one - is that the butter absolutely melts in the skin - it disappears so quickly I can dress myself almost immediately afterwards. There is no recognizable scent and feel is great. My shins literally drunk it up. Although my face at first seemed to drink it up too, it has now (in an hour or so) become greasy again - I am a living oil refinery.  And it looks just like white chocolate!

And another thing - I absolutely loved the rose-water so LisaLise (so kind of her!) agreed to make a trade with me and I got this herbal hydrosol as well - this is custom made and based on organic melissa hydrosol, organic aloe vera glycerine, cucumber extract - and added a little bit of benzyl alcochol as a preservative.

This does not smell as flowery as the Pure Rose Hydrating Skin mist, it's distinctly more masculine and mossy, one could even say a "medicinal" scent. At the same time I have to say that rose mist's scent is  much stronger - the herbal one will be much easier to use in public places. Many younger people seem to think rose-scent too overwhelming and a bit too "grandma". ;)
As I sprayed my face I believe I tasted aloe - it was a familiar slightly bitter taste (gran used to make me eat aloe with honey when I was having another of my throat infections so am familiar with that). It should be excellent remedy against all the sunburns I am bound to get. I think I'll write more about it after my trip. :) I have high expectations.

There was also a juniper hydrosol sample in the parcel - instructions say it's great after a long day on my feet so this will also be accompanying me pretty soon :). I just hope the airport officials wont confiscate them -  they might think me a bit weird travelling with so many bottles full of suspicious liquids.

Olin jälle LisaLise loosis õnnelik võitja - seekord postkastis kaks orgaanilist kehavõid - ja esimene mulje on väga hea. Iseenesest on mul veidi piinlik, et ma seda giveawayd rohkem ei promonud - aga kuulge, kes tahab oma võiduvõimalusi ise ja tahtlikult vähendada? Seekord oli 14 osalejat ja 8 võitjat! Kui selle lahke blogipidaja tooteid ise proovida soovitakse, küll siis ka follow-nupp ta blogis üles leitakse, mõtlesin mina. Iseenesest oli võitjate seas veel kaks eesti blogijat, nendegi kommentaare oleks põnev lugeda (Triin ja Kerli).
Toode on põhimõtteliselt puhas klopitud kakaovõi, millesse on parema pehmuse saavutamiseks lisatud kas siis ohakaõli või sarapuupähkliõli -  LisaLise eesmärk oli saada inimesed neid tooteid testima, otsustamaks, kumb versioon rohkem meeldib. Ma ei tuvastabnud kummalgi mingit erilist lõhna. Kehavõi ise näeb välja kui valge šokolaad - kaunikesti isuäratav.
Lisaks oli Lise nii armas, et pakkus välja vahetuse - minu kraam tema ürdihüdrosooli vastu - kuidas sain keelduda :)

PS! I definitely prefer the thistle oil version! Hazelnut oil has a cookie-smell when it warms up on my skin while Thistle has no recognizable  scent.


  1. Yay Liis! I just saw this today (we are moving our office and I have been 'blogless' for a few days.
    I just sent you some feedback questions. Thanks for al of your kind words!! :D
