Sunday, August 7

Took a tiny trip last week - spent some time in the countryside and enjoyed myself - these were the few selected playmates I chose to accompany me::
the unrecognizable mascara is Lumene Natural Code something...
Travelling is excellent if one has to test some products - there is no possibility to stray from the chosen path: this time I took Lucy Minerals foundation samples with me and wore different one each day (forced my mum wear the darker ones...). Creamy, nice coverage and nice durability. Pale Olive is still the one I favor most. Does it look too pale on me? 
Mum looked quite nice in Light Medium but she still complained it was too light... On wrinkly skin MMU will need some added dewyness - a light spray with some skin freshener would be very nice. Perhaps I applied too much foundation on mum's skin but it looked somewhat heavy on her... :S sry no pic.

The cheap Russian moisturizer (Чистая Линия Фитоформула) needs some more time to be judged properly - so far it seems a nice liquid-y and well absorbing product, leaves skin nice and smooth (I liked the ingredients list (although with parabens) and the price, which was some 2,5 eur). Scent is also slightly herbal and very faint.

It's the sunscreen that gave me most trouble - Garnier Ambre Solaire Rapido for kids SPF 50 in spray bottle was terribly greasy. Stubbornly refused to absorb into my skin and stained my poor powder brush something terrible - it was almost soaking oil after this week and yearned for a wash. I was very sorry I did not pack my silica microspheres with me during this trip - I would have needed all that sucking power...
after sauna and wearing Lucy Minerals Cream
bare minimum for Sunday...
Also I'd like to note, that sauna has wonderful effect on skin - all the flakiness disappeared as if by magic and skin looked marvelous the next day (except for a couple of pimples on the neck but those heal slowly anyway). While mechanical scrubbing rips the upper layers of dead skin away, sauna melts them off - basically you sweat your skin clean and all the dirt and old skin comes of when rinsing. No hard scrubbing will be necessary, the result will be even and smooth.
before sauna

NYX jumbo eye pencil Milk is great eyeshadow base (minimal if any creasing) and I can easily wear it as a lower liner on the waterline - but the blinding pure whiteness of it disturbs me a bit - I'd prefer something light but a bit more skin colored there - must continue my search. Milk will still be used and loved but I'd like something not quite as 60s for everyday wear.

A bowl of some kind has always a role to play in my makeup routine - I cannot easily apply my foundation without it. I sprinkle some mineral foundation in a small (smooth and round-bottomed) bowl and use it to load my brush evenly with powder - I dislike using the lids of the jars since it's so messy and unhygienic. Alas when I travel - my trustee (grandma's christal) bowl stays behind. But there's always something that helps me out - this time it was the lid of an old teapot. I asked mum to keep it for me for my next visit - it was very comfortable to use (perfect curve and smooth surface).
perfect design for mineral foundation application - for loading the brush
When looking around for a nice small mixing bowl or plate , either for home use or travelling - before heading out shopping  do have a thorough peek at your own cupboards - you might be surprised how many suitable utensils you might find. :)

Puhkus oli lühike kuid ütlemata mõnus - ja meigikott sai seekord kerge kaasa võetud - niikuinii ei viitsi midagi suurt ette võtta. Tellisin Liisi kaudu endalegi NYX jumbo-silmapliiatsi Milk (valge) ja testisin seda reisil olles alumise silmalainerina (sisejoonel) ning silmameigi alusena. Töötab väga kenasti kuid mingil hetkel hakkas valevus häirima - silma sisse sobiks silma avama mõni veidi neutraalsem ja tsipa murtud hele toon. NYXil loomulikult sellist pole :S.
Ma ei saa aru, miks ma oma pisipaleti kaasa vedasin kui oleks nii palju testida olnud! Elisa Miten niin liikaa? blogist saatis mulle just posu testreid - vot need oleks pidanud hoopis kaasa haarama. :S Kõige tipuks oleks meigikott ka paremini kinni läinud... reisimiseks on kilekotinäidised parimad - väike kaal ja võtavad ülivähe ruumi. Aga noh - võtame seda kui paleti reisitaluvuse katsetust - pidas vastu küll, ükski (isepressitud, muide) värvinupuke ei purunenud.
Sellesuvine kiiruga ostetud päikesekreem on tõeline mitteimenduv õlipomm - seda meigi all kasutades määrisin pintslid korralikult õliga ära - aga õli tuleb pestes välja, kui seep ei aita, siis aitb Fairy - ja sünteetika kannatab teadupärast ju kõike :D. Peaks seda silica microspheres'tega proovima - too imeb naha muidu kuivanud ploomiks aga ehk kulub säärase rasvase toote puhul selline imemisvõimsus marjaks ära. Päiksekreemi puhul ei lugenud ma silte enne ostmist - kiire oli, ja selle sisu on kaunis hirmutav - keemiline päikeseblokaator... oleks tahtnud tavalist, füüsikalist, tsingiga. Seda mida teised väldivad, sest too jätav sellise valge kuma. Mul pole valge kuma vastu jällegi kõige vähematki.
Tšistaja Linijat peab veel nädalakese kasutama enne kui põhjapanevaid arvamusi avaldama hakata - odav ja tundub, et hea tavaline kreem, mõningate parabeenidega. Samas on ka toimeainet andvad koostisosad nimekirjas austustväärivatel esikohtadel niiet vaatame, milliseks kokkuvõttes osutub. Hind oli ka täiesti vastupandamatu - midagi 2,5 euroga.

And something I also picked up from Saaremaa - there are some dolomite mines there, dolomite is basically poor man's marble. This little jar and it's lid are carved from one single block. They are sold as souvenirs :) (7 EUR a piece).

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