Saturday, June 11

Terrible lazyness...

I have made some EOTD's and FOTD's but never gotten around to post them. By the time I actually had the time to sit down and blog I had already forgotten what it was I used to do the look with. Recently I have come out with a brilliant solution :D - it's so easy, all I need to do is take a pic of the stuff used! This way  anyone interested can just biggify the pic and see the details for themselves.

So last Wednesday I looked a bit red in the face (e.l.f.'s mineral foundation in Fair does that to a pale person):
still have "long" hair on this pic
And the stuff used to look like this was all this:
I think I did a lot better job on Friday, of course this time I used EDM's Intensive Fair instead (Fairly Light Neutral was for contouring, e.l.f. Studio foundation brush is very good for the purpose).:
TKB's Apple Blossom as blush - it only has a pink sheen, no particular coverage
Conservatorie's Brown Coco in the crease and TKB's Dusty Rose al over lid,
Satin White as lower liner blended downwards with Pearl Sunlight
Even though I say it myself - my skin looks friggin' amazing!
Perhaps now I've grown out of puberty?
And yes, I have a new haircut - a very short pixie.Why? Because my hairdresser returns from holidays in September - I need to look decent all summer long - bangs this short will start to annoy me in August at the soonest :). I look like a little boy when without makeup and dressed down. :D


  1. You look absolutely fabulous! Great skin - great hair! Don't change a thing!!

  2. Thank you :), I have been racking my brain as to how I might have achieved such good skin - but nothing comes to mind. Unless it's sunny days and temperature above 20 degrees of Celsius - in that case I have to travel south to keep this :D. Our weather has been just phenomenal recently!

  3. Tõeliselt ilusad meigid! Nahk on tõesti super.Ja soeng! Kahjuks ei anna mulle midagi sellist teha.:( Kadestan. Aga postituste tegemisega on mul samuti hetkel probleemid- mul on hunnik pilte tehtud ja seisavad arvutis, aga ma kuidagi ei suuda mingit enam-vähem normaalset juttu neile juurde välja mõelda.Aega kah nagu pole.:P Ilusat suve!

  4. Aitäh!

    Aga tegelikult ongi ju pildid need kõige olulisemad :). Kui keegi midagi teada tahab, siis küsib ;). Kahjuks võtab piltide tegemine ja croppimine ning üleslaadimine ka aega :S

    Ilusat suve Sullegi :)
