Sunday, February 6

EOTD Baby Pink Interference

I read some forum that pink is THE color for blue eyes. I remembered differently... and decided to try it out again. Result? Blah... combinations of brown and gold go definitely better with my skintone and give a much bigger boost to blue eyes. Pink makes me look red-eyed like a rabbit.

Conservatorie's Baby Pink Interference wet all over lid (has problems with adhering to skin otherwise, even with primer)
 TKB's Satin Pearl in inner corners
Smoky XXX in the crease
Champagne on the brow-bone
EDM's Olive Fair semi matte as foundi
EDM's Pearl Sunlight under the eyes
Manhattan's eyeshadow primer and Lumene's mascara

 Skin is still flaking, used my elf stippler to put some additional moisturizer on afterwards but flakiness is still there. Pics done in daylight, no direct sunlight. I'd still like to know, where's the interference? It's just a glittery light pink, which presses badly and bleeds in the process. Unless one's a die hard lover of glittery pinks, I'd leave this one at the store.

(Vähemalt see) roosa sinisilmade jaoks just parim toon pole, kuldsed-pruunid lähevad paremini. Nahatooniga ei sobinud kokku, teeb üldmulje punasemaks/oranžimaks samas kui kogu mu meigi peamine eesmärk on nägu kaelaga üht tooni näidata. Punanahksus ei ole just kuigi ilus :S


  1. Ohh this is just pretty :) love it

  2. I wouldn't give makeup advice because I rarely wear it but I thought the pink looked nice on you.

  3. Minu meelest väga ilus tulemus! Ise pole kuulnud, et roosat just ainult sinisilmadele soovitatakse - olen hoopis lugenud, et heledam roosa lauvärv ja silmapliiats pidi väsinud silmi värskemana näitama. Olen ka ise proovinud, aga kindlasti ei mõju nii iga roosa toon.

  4. I am so envious of your long eye lashes. So pretty.

  5. Thank you Sara, MK, Anonymous and justLtee, it's just that I feel uncomfortable wearing bright reddish pink :)Maybe I should have paired it with a neutral brown, like Moonstone

  6. Wow your eyes look so pretty!!!
    Glad i visited your blog:)
    Check out mine and hope you follow too:)

  7. Kuidas nimetada "all over lid" eesti keeles?
