Wednesday, January 5

EOTD grey-brown

colors used: TKB Trading's Metallic White,
Antique Silver, Moonstone
This is a color-study.

Verdict: Antique Silver and Moonstone are too similar toned, must pick either a lighter grey or a warmer toned brown or add some highlight color (Metallic White?) in the middle of the lid, just atop the iris. At the moment there's no particular effect to this look. And I thought Moonstone is more neutral - it looks reddish on the pic.

Tänane look on tehtud puhtalt värvitestina. Hall ja pruun üheskoos. Oleksin vist pidanud valima heledama halli, soojema pruuni või siis Metallic White' täpi ka keset liikuvat laugu panema - hetkel tundub kogu look väga monokroomne. Metallic White on silmanurkades, Antique Silver sisenurkades ja üle lau, Moonstone välisnurkades, hajutatuna sissepoole, Champagne on kulmuluul.
Seekord kasutasin Archetype mineraalpuudrit toonis Yellow Beige level 1. Silmameik pidas Manhattani meigialuskreemil vastu hiliste õhtutundideni.


  1. Thanks :)
    I was aiming at something a bit more duo-chromatic, here the gray and brown are too similar to show up. It almost looks like single wash of color :)
