Sunday, December 26

TKB vs Conservatorie: golds

Hilite Gold - cold gold sheen
Satin Orange Gold - pinkish soft gold sheen
18K Gold (Conservatorie) - light gold, pale yellow
Gold Metallic Satin (Conservatorie) - next three are almost identical, Gold Metallic Satin is strong yellow
Radiant Gold - is paler, cooler gold then Gold Metallic Satin
Elegant Gold (Conservatorie) - almost the same as Gold Metallic Satin, a bit more reddish though
Lemon Drop - bright yellow
Merlot Gold (Conservatorie) - orange gold, nice smooth texture
24K Gold - bright shimmery, pale yellow
Abtruse Gold (Conservatorie) - orange gold, darker then Merlot Gold, nice texture
Forged Gold - dark gold, bit more orange, has dark undertone, hard to swatch
Mermaid's Gold - green gold
Gold Leaf - dirty gold, it's one of the TKB 4-color sets they sell, can't remember the name at the moment.


Xian Vistas  (Conservatorie) - pale green gold, wonderful sheen, a bit sheer
Mermaid's Gold - more covering then Xian Vistas and much more yellow
Antique Gold - reminds me of Forged Gold when in jar but irl is much more red
Forged Gold - seemed so close in tone to Antique Gold but actually much warmer
Mõlema hulgimüüja kuldsed võrdluses - mida siin ikka, kuld on kuld. Kui teist kõrval poleks, siis ajaks vähemalt 3 tk neist küll lootusetult sassi. Glitteri jätsin välja, see on hoopis teisest ooperist.


  1. See 24K on väga ilus - täpselt selline kuldne, nagu mulle meeldib! Kannad sa neid toone tihti?

  2. Thanks for the swatches
    very useful :D

  3. @Maria peaaegu iga päev - aga mul on neid ka ca 200 erinevat ja seetõttu on hommikuti päris raske valik. 24K Gold on imekena toon aga see on glitter, st et peab olema väga hea silmameigi aluskreem, muidu kaob sädelus laugudelt paari tunniga. Samuti ei ole see toon pressitav, avastasin oma pettumuseks, et glittereid saab ainult purgist kasutada.

    @CopyCat thanks for visiting and if you're interested in more TKB-Conservatorie pigment comparisons, please return, I still have the bronzes and browns to swatch ;).

  4. Thanks for the comment :D
    I will be buying more from TBK the shipping is what drives me crazy... Its too high... :(
    if it was $10 I would be happier
    I'm pretty surprised that its $14 with USPS
    I shall be back to your blog :D
