Friday, December 24

Facebook & Lana Vallo väike meigiõpik

I've made a Facebook account. Boy, is that a weird place. It's a mishmash of information and most of it quite useless. I need to develop some filters. Does it even allow filters? Must research... and must learn to use this tool. I have one personal account too but I rarely visit it - I cannot be bothered with other peoples issues - I really DO NOT CARE if someone's playing Mafia Wars or has visited Sharm-el Sheikh for the 6th time. Looking at other ppl's vacation pics is not my idea of fun. 
I have higher hopes with this account, because I can "like" and add people with same interests and not on the basis that "oh I have to add him/her, cause I was in 6th grade with them".  So hopefully I would not be reading about how someone's joined "Farmville" or something other as unnecessary. 
I'm starting to like this account more and more: sales information is posted there, other ppl's blog posts are linked there etc etc. I even found a make up artist's little e-book (in Estonian) via FB. 

Aga Facebookis võib leida huvitavaid asju.  Näiteks nagu Lana Vallo 8-minuti meigiõpik pdf-kujul "Täiuslik jumestus 8 minutiga". Päris palju enesestmõistetavusi, sekka ka hunnik kirjavigu (vaja oleks toimetada) kuid kordamine on ju tarkuse ema. Algajale on see tore lihtne lugemine. Viisakas oleks see e-raamat endale tellida siit ning täita ka kontaktandmete ankeet.

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