Thursday, November 25

The Conservatorie pre-made foundations swatched

Took me a long time but here they finally are: swatches of The Conservatorie's pre-made foundations. The Conservatorie has changed (thank God) their very confusing color system (Caramel, Honey, Rousillon etc) and no longer offers 3 different formulas. Now there's only two: regular and matte.

Here are the colors I purchased:

Bare Foundation Matte-Barely Beige
Bare Foundation Matte-Barely Golden
Bare Foundation Matte-Light Golden
Bare Foundation Matte-Lightly Suntanned
Bare Foundation Matte-Medium Beige
Bare Foundation Matte-Summer Tan
Bare Foundation Matte-Deepest Beige
Bare Foundation Matte-Light Navajo
Bare Foundation Matte-Navajo

Bare Foundation - Barely Beige
Bare Foundation - Barely Golden
Bare Foundation - Light Golden
Bare Foundation - Lightly Suntanned
Bare Foundation - Medium Beige

I have some The Consevatorie's pre-made foundation testers and a whole ounce of Caramel Light in Deluxe formula, which is wearable only during summer, bought 2 years ago. That was then the fairest available color in the entire batch. It's color-wise somewhere between Barely Golden and Light Golden, I'd say.

Too much orange and yellow, no light olive tones in the foundation selection. Barely Beige has a pink undertone, it's not a neutral color. Of all these here, it's still the only one I can wear. Barely Golden might be a good summer color.

Lõppude lõpuks jõudsin ära swatchida ka selle mineraalpuudrihunniku. Conservatorie valik on võrreldes 2 aasta tagusega veidi paranenud kuid pole ikka veel ideaalne, vaid 1 valmissegatud toonidest on piisavalt hele ja seegi roosa alatooniga. See hulgimüüja müüb nii mineraalpuudri koostisosi kui ka valmissegusid, need siin on valmissegude testritest tehtud swatchid.
Conservatorie mineraalpuuder tundub olema väikese kuni keskmise katvusega. Mulle tundub, et see mineraalpuuder kuivatab nahka rohkem kui EDM. Vajab tugevamat niisutust. Pildil kasutasin Bare Beige matti versiooni, silmade alla panin selle läikivamat versiooni. Medium Beige'i peaks põsepunana proovima, tundub täitsa roosa.
Iseenesest on seal ka väga ilusaid eriotstarbelisi vilgusegusid, soovitan kindlasti korvi poetada Shimmering Nude (sädelev tagasihoidlik roosa), Pink (Green) Interference (huvitav roosakasbeež millel rohekas läige), Salmon Interference (huvitav roosa-beeži laadne kirjeldamatu toon), Antique Gold (puhas tumedam kuld), Super Brilliant Mocha Mica (üliefektne sädelev pruun). Väga kenad toonid. Nende swatchid on kusagil vanemates postitustes. 

PS! Kuna tegin Cyber Monday'l uue testritellimuse, on peatselt oodata veel 22 erineva Conservatorie vilgusegu swatche.

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