Wednesday, October 27

Biggest makeup-brush I've ever held

 I had a hugeish EDM haul arriving  just the other day. You may congratulate me, the only think that was "mine" was the free foundation sample kit. But there was something new and unseen in this haul: EDM's Large Mineral brush. That MoFo is HUGE! Quality was superb as always, no hairs sticking out or falling off. The smaller brushes on the pic are EDM's Long Handled Kabuki and Dome Blush brush (sry, it's a bit dirty).

Here I've also taken out my currently biggest brush - e.l.f. Studio series' Complexion brush (black) and it pales in comparison. It would be nice to have one giant like this in the collection just for it's extraordinariness but I cannot really see a practical use for it unless it's some all-over-face product, that needs light application. Since EDM is now very expensive for us internationals after the 45% discount disappeared, I  will not be buying it for myself (it's $14).

I also had the opportunity to practice e-Customs. It's not very hard, I'll do it myself again and skip the handling fee of Eesti Post in the future. The speed of the procedure was astonishing! Once I had filled the form and paid the money, my parcel was released from customs in 15 minutes! All I had to do was to tell the curier to drop it off.

Deklari täitmine on täiesti tehtav kui abitelefonilt veidi konsultatsiooni paluda. Ülikiire paki kättesaamine. Järgmisel korral saab sama deklari järgi täita ka uue tellimuse deklaratsiooni, kui saatjamaa ja kaubagrupp sama. Eesti Post, eat my shorts!


  1. Omg! It is so huge. I have the elf complexion brush which I think it's a huge brush.

  2. Oh my god! It looks huge! I think that's great!
