Pressing is easy, most pigments do your bidding without any fuss. Just remember to go easy on the pressing medium! Less is more... because more will just end up as oily goo.
Stuff you need for pressing:
- pigments
- pans
- pressing tile or suitable coin
- pressing medium
- hairpin or toothpick
- pipet
- syringe
- high % alcochol
- kitchen paper
- if have weak hands, a pressing tool
- rubber gloves (it's a messy job)
- eventually: a palette would also be nice.
Lift some pigment onto the pan, drop 1-2 drops of pressing binder (I use TKB Trading's MyMix Clear Pressing Medium and a pipet) in the pan (get the pans with a pressing tile or two, do not bother with the press packs, those special handles are not comfortable), sprinkle some alcohol (80% vodka from a syringe, anyone?) until the pigment is wet (more wet then the "liquid sand" consistency, make it into nice goo - easier to mix this way). Place kitchen paper over the pan, place the pressing tile nicely on top and press down. Excess liquid will be immediately sucked out by the paper tissue, repeat pressing with a fresh dry tissue and lay the fresh eyeshadow out to dry for 12-24 hrs. Done.
Now, the unpressable baddies are the sparkly colors. 24K Gold is unpressable, needs some mixing medium in a powder form too, liquid mixing medium alone will not work. All you are left with is some very greasy looking glitter... Other colors behaving this way are Storm and Limerick.
For some reason I cannot comprehend, WinterRose and Brown Coco are also acting up and seem to have difficulties staying pressed... as soon as I touch the pigment with my brush it tries to leave the pan, all of it. It just crumbles out of the pan. Blackest Black matte tone also dried up in a funny way, showing little cracks on the surface. Metallics on the other hand press like a dream... So do the MyMix colors I recently acquired.
MyMix Clear Pressing Medium is mostly silicones, not good for some people. You do not have to use it, it's also possible to use fractionated coconut oil or jojoba oil or some other oil for pressing but the downside is - those might go rancid in a year or so, jojoba a little sooner... Solution would be adding a small amount of preservatives but then what's the point of the entire DIY business? Same stuff is available in any store, already pressed and nicely packaged.
PS! The Irish Eyes Collection had two colors that bled whilst pressing (colorant dissolved in alcohol): Dublin and Lucky Green. They bled blue. Next to them is the unpressable glimmering Limerick.
Could you please make a post about organising makeup products and brushes? :) I would really need some help with that.
ReplyDeleteIm quite unorganized, actually. Brushes in jars and makeup in the drawer. Pressing the piggies will make some more room for me - the drawer is getting rather full :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for this post! Wonderful colours!
Funny I've never even thought this could be done at home! But then again, I'm not a make-up blogger :) The colours look gorgeous - espcially the sparkly metals!
ReplyDeleteBTW I hope you noticed my blog moved house :) You'll find me at:
Loving the viru valge as mixing medium/alcohol, lovely! :D