Monday, September 20

Lumene Natural Code liquid foundation in Vanilla

Finally tried out my sample of Lumene Natural Code liquid foundation in Vanilla a genereous saleslady provided me with. Pale people, rejoice! Not too yellow, not too orange - perfect light neutral beige. It's on the sheer side and does not appear mask-like - it's totally opposite, very natural looking. Used E.L.F's foundation brush for application, worked like a charm. Here's a nice before-after picture of the foundation:

The foundation was applied with no primer, just some jojoba oil as moisturizer and it started to wear off by afternoon. 

On the eyes I used Champagne on the brow-bone, Peach on the lid and Moon Stone on the crease today. Subtle, again.
And here's a pic of all the stuff used. Mulberry was used on the cheeks.

Lõpuks ometi on müügile tulnud piisavalt hele jumestustoode! Lumene Natural Code Vanilla ei ole oranž ega kollane vaid mõnusalt neutraalne helebeež. Võimalik, et see sobib nii suurepäraselt vaid seetõttu, et see suhteliselt vähekattev on, sulandub hästi loomulikku nahatooni. Koostis on suhteliselt vedel ja ei püsi eriti palju kauem peal kui mu mineraalpuudrid. Nahatooni ühtlustajana hea asi aga kindlasti vajab peitekreemi ning meigialuskreemi alla.
Mis puutub selle stuffi looduslikkusesse siis Lumene kodulehel koostisosadest juttu pole. On vaid väike nupuke selle kohta, kuidas toode looduslikku teeleheekstrakti sisaldab ja seetõttu eriti kasulik on.
Järgmisena püüan kätte saada Goshi heledaima, mida on ka väidetud "tõesti väga heleda" olevat.
PS! If one looks real hard, it's possible to see my first ever pressed pigment on the photo - Peach.

PPS! For Pale too: not so perfect, actually...


  1. hei,

    oskad sa öelda, kus seda lumene jumestuskreemi veel müüakse? :)

  2. Stockmannist sain testri. Edu jahiks :)

  3. You have perfect skin to begin with :) I don't, so the foundation was quite useless to me, but I did love the color!

  4. Pale too, check out the pic I've just added to the bottom :), skin's not so perfect at all. But I find that even this overall smoothing out the skincolor improves the look greatly, even if I do have some large pimples on the jawline :)

  5. Well ok, not perfect but quite good still :)

    I have more scarring and redness, but luckily I've found some other pale foundations. You are right though, that often it looks better to merely even out skintone than to put on some heavy mask :)

  6. BeautyAddict, you mean the liquid foundation or the pigments I used on the eyes? Liquid foundation has weak, light to medium coverage. Peach seems to have low pigmentation, Champagne is ok, so is Mulberry as blush. Peach also has problems when applying - does not stick to the skin very well, requires multiple applications and even then looks like there's nothing there. But this could be because it really is my natural flesh tone.

  7. ooo, i might have to look into this, im also pale, but your skin is stunning!

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