The temperature has dropped somewhat - and I got some liquid foundation testers from the store. Too dark - of course, Max Factor Second Skin No 70 Natural and 75 Golden (Lightest available ones are 40 Cream Ivory and 45 Walm Almond - I guess the Ivory might be quite good on me during summer - but those testers were not offered).
Used the E.L.F.Studio powder brush for application and painted face, neck, shoulders and decollete all in one go. Studio foundation brush was good for detailed work around the nose but it did not blend as well as the flat-top does. Besides the flat top is better in covering large areas. I was surprised that the brush looked quite clean afterwards -I would have imagined it to be manky and in need of immediate washing but it still looked quite decent after use.
It looked quite good as long as I did not put my white arms anywhere near the face. I really liked applying the cream with that flat-topped brush, the result looked very nice and even. After running around a little my face became a little shiny but it still looked good. Eye makeup was gone in 8 hours, I guess I did not properly remove the oil I used for cleaning the eyes in the morning.
Coverage is about the same that mineral powders produce, and I have developed a brand new pimple on my cheek - cant blame the foundi, could be a thousand other things - like the grilled stuff or alcoholic drinks from last weekend.
Sadly this makeup kinda smeared up my pearls... they look pretty disgusting now.
Conclusion: blue eyes look better with pale skin, I don't like what I see in the mirror - I look like some cheap wannabe ghetto person from MTV. Could also be that my makeup application sucks but I feel like my face is dirty.
PS! I think this is the first time I've tried liquid foundation in over a year...
Ma pole juba ammu tavakosmeetika jumestuskreeme kasutanud kuid E.L.F. Studio pintsid vajavad testimist: soovitan lamedat puudripintslit! Jääb imekena õhuke ja ühtlane tulemus. Meigipõhjapintslit saab detailide tegemiseks kasutada kuid suurte pindade katmiseks ma ei soovitaks. MF Second Skin on kerge-keskmise katvusega toode, jääb nahal matipoolne ja püsib mõõdukas kliimas päris hästi peal (mõõdukas kliimas, kus ei higista - mu pärlid on kaetud pruuni plögaga, sest higistades tuli puuderkreem nahalt lahti ja määris pärlid ära). Valgenahksed inimesed aga peaksid vältima oma nahatoonist tumedama tooni kasutamist, sest muidu näevad välja nagu wannabe-neegrid. Olgem ausad - tulemus pole kuigi kena kui inimene püüab kardinaalselt eemalduda talle looduse poolt ette nähtud värvigammast (nahk, juuksed, silmad).
Ma pole juba ammu tavakosmeetika jumestuskreeme kasutanud kuid E.L.F. Studio pintsid vajavad testimist: soovitan lamedat puudripintslit! Jääb imekena õhuke ja ühtlane tulemus. Meigipõhjapintslit saab detailide tegemiseks kasutada kuid suurte pindade katmiseks ma ei soovitaks. MF Second Skin on kerge-keskmise katvusega toode, jääb nahal matipoolne ja püsib mõõdukas kliimas päris hästi peal (mõõdukas kliimas, kus ei higista - mu pärlid on kaetud pruuni plögaga, sest higistades tuli puuderkreem nahalt lahti ja määris pärlid ära). Valgenahksed inimesed aga peaksid vältima oma nahatoonist tumedama tooni kasutamist, sest muidu näevad välja nagu wannabe-neegrid. Olgem ausad - tulemus pole kuigi kena kui inimene püüab kardinaalselt eemalduda talle looduse poolt ette nähtud värvigammast (nahk, juuksed, silmad).
Ma näen enda arvates välja nagu räpane kodutu, tahaks nägu pesta. Siin ka link temaatiliselt sarnasele blogipostitusele Pale is the New Tan.
I honestly prefer you with mineral powders.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you should try some BB Cream if you want to keep trying some liquid stuffs.
And white skins rock !!
Proovisin ka olude sunnil tavalist jumestuskreemi mmu asemel. Nüüd kahetsen, sest mu nahk pole kaua aega niii jube olnud. Peab ikka mmu peale jääma.
ReplyDeleteYes, I absolutely hate this MTV-Jersey-Shore look as well! I have a recommendation for very pale girls like us: If you're looking for a very light one, you can try the Bobbi Brown Natural Finish Long Lasting Foundation SPF 15 (what a name!) in Alabaster. A very nice liquid (!) foundation...
ReplyDeleteI think there might be a problem with finding Bobby Brown foundations in Estonia. I have also discovered, that although other high end brands do have fair foundations, the shops in Estonia do not order those for their inventory!