Thursday, July 15

FOTD: lets see if silica microspheres make a difference...

Still 30 outside, everyone sweats like a pig, no makeup holds - smart people wear their tinted moisturizers and sunscreens and I'm still trying to get the makeup to last at least until I get from home to work (15 minutes walking). I have to go read the Indonesian/Filipino girls blogs, I cant imagine how they do it... must be some very potent primer they use. I don't use any, just the jojoba-oil to moisturize after the morning shower - I guess the primer really makes a difference.
This time I applied EDM's semi-matte Olive Fair wet, by dabbing it over with a moist (E.L.F. Studio powder) brush - effect was instant, face became very shiny. Not the result I was looking for but nevertheless, worth a try. Then the contouring (EDM's Fairly Light Neutral o-glo), DIY blush (see last post) and on top the silica microspheres (TKB Trading sells it).
After arriving to work let me say - it looks no different from yesterday. Except that the face stings a little... Sweat conquers all.
On the eyes I used the E.L.F. eye primer & liner sealer, dabbing it over with some foundation. Colors used are: TKB Trading's Echo in inner corners, The Conservatorie's Gold Earth on the lid, TKB Trading's Foliage in the crease and outer corner. E.L.F.'s " featherproof" (actually says so on the pencil) eyepencil to fill out the eyebrows.
I'm doing lots of neutral eye-do's recently, must be the Make-up Store magazine... they had some very nice 50s looks in their last issue (see issue No. 13).


  1. Ka mina võtan hetkel osa mmu vs kuumad ilmad võitlusest. Kipub väsitavaks muutuma.

    Pole varem ühtegi praimerit kasutanud. No koostist lugedes kohe ei kipu endale näkku määrima sellist kraami. Kuigi ma andsin alla ja tellisin umbes nädal tagasi Fyrinnaest praimeri. Pole hetkel rohkem leebema koostisega asjandust leidnud.

    Kuniks praimer ka mulle koju jõuab, olen kasutanud 96% aloe vera geeli. Kõigepealt niisutan nägu, siis õrn kiht geeli peale ning kui see kuiv on, kannan mmu sinna peale. Teeb näo siledamaks küll, nüüd ei kipu meik enam pooridesse ladestuma. Ja kauem peab vastu ka, pole enam vajadust olnud iga natukese aja tagant meiki värskendada. See muidugi väga lõõskava päikese vastu ei aita. Pigem aitab elada üle mõne õhtuse peo, kus on palav/umbne ja tantsitakse. Käisin näiteks pulmas ja ei pidanudki end kohendama.

  2. Jep, peab siis ka proovima - võimalik, et isegi jojoba on liiga õline praeguse ilmaga. Igastahes silica microspheres küll ülesannete kõrgusel polnud :)
