Finally the set arrived - took it some months... The trick to get the E.L.F. 's wonderful 50, 60 and 75 % sales offers in Europe can be described in two words: custom purchase. Too bad there are bound to be some communication glitches: this explains the 2 kabukis from the ordinary line. There's also the additional shipping cost close to 20 USD but it's still woth it., especially if one orders several sets :D. I do not understand why the European E.L.F. office never offers such good deals. It might even help to deal with the UK prices which are twice to US's.
When bought on sale this set really is a rather good buy. Stinks at first, a lot (the plastic case stinks the worst) but the brushes will be scent-free in couple of days. Fan brush seems pretty useless since it's a bit too soft and cannot be used for removing eyeshadow residue.
There have been some changes in the overall design cause the flat-top powder brush in this set has a longer handle then the one I bought earlier this year. All brushes seem usable but I really do not know what to do with the foundation brush or the fan brush. All brushes are very soft and do not shed although some of them have one or two hairs poking out but those can be removed easily, just use the scissors.
The mineral line kabuki brush (right) is something else: stinks, sheds, possibly bleeds and scratches like a true brush from hell. I also suspect it eats the powder. It's in no way related to the beautiful and heavenly kabuki brush of the studio series (left). Don't buy the mineral series kabuki! Keegi soovib veidi kraapivat kabukit? Anna aga teada, ärin ära, odavalt - 50 kr tk.
I'll keep them in jars and not in their case, more comfortable to use. I'll take the brush holder out again when I'll travel.
PS! on July 6th E.L.F offered an all-over store discount of 60% from 12 to 18 pm! Amazing... Not the UK store, naturally.
Väga hea pintslikomplekt algajale ja edasijõudnule. Hea kvaliteet ja kui õnnestub E.L.F.i- soodukas ära kasutada, ka üliodav. Mineraalkosmeetika jaoks sobib suurepäraselt, mineraalpuudri pealekandmiseks sobib lame (flat-top) puudripintsel väga hästi. Suur puudripintsel ei ole meigipõhja tegemiseks kõige parem, puuder lendab minema - sobib paremini päikesepuudri ja särapuudri pealekandmiseks. Lame (flat-top) puudripintsel kannab puudri peale katvamalt (loe: paksemalt) kui Studio-seeria ülipehme kabuki. Kabukiga saab õhema, läbikumavama tulemuse. Silmapintslid pole ka pahad, haaravad pigmente hästi ja paigutavad laule, puuduseks on vaid keskmise suurusega silmapintsli puudumine, selle asemel saab ehk peitepuudripintslit kasutada.
Lehvikpintsel tundub mõttetu (väidetavalt kasutatakse silma alla pudenenud lauvärvi eemaldamiseks või väga intensiivse põsepuna pealekandmiseks), samuti ei oska ma midagi peale hakata selle viltuse foundation brush'iga - võibolla sobib kontuurimiseks (kusjuures sobibki! nina ja lõuga on sellega päris hea teha). Põsepunapintsel on veidi imeliku nurgelise kujuga, tipus on nurk, samuti on ta harjumatult väike (väga pehme, sobib täppistööks). Pintslikott haiseb alguses päris vastikult, seda on vaja veidi tuulutada. Mineral-seeria kabukid tuleks ostmata jätta, võrreldes Studio omaga on need ikka väga karedad. Samas - mõned just eelistavad karedaid, search me. Uskumatu aga hind on neil sama.
When bought on sale this set really is a rather good buy. Stinks at first, a lot (the plastic case stinks the worst) but the brushes will be scent-free in couple of days. Fan brush seems pretty useless since it's a bit too soft and cannot be used for removing eyeshadow residue.
There have been some changes in the overall design cause the flat-top powder brush in this set has a longer handle then the one I bought earlier this year. All brushes seem usable but I really do not know what to do with the foundation brush or the fan brush. All brushes are very soft and do not shed although some of them have one or two hairs poking out but those can be removed easily, just use the scissors.
The mineral line kabuki brush (right) is something else: stinks, sheds, possibly bleeds and scratches like a true brush from hell. I also suspect it eats the powder. It's in no way related to the beautiful and heavenly kabuki brush of the studio series (left). Don't buy the mineral series kabuki! Keegi soovib veidi kraapivat kabukit? Anna aga teada, ärin ära, odavalt - 50 kr tk.
I'll keep them in jars and not in their case, more comfortable to use. I'll take the brush holder out again when I'll travel.
PS! on July 6th E.L.F offered an all-over store discount of 60% from 12 to 18 pm! Amazing... Not the UK store, naturally.
Väga hea pintslikomplekt algajale ja edasijõudnule. Hea kvaliteet ja kui õnnestub E.L.F.i- soodukas ära kasutada, ka üliodav. Mineraalkosmeetika jaoks sobib suurepäraselt, mineraalpuudri pealekandmiseks sobib lame (flat-top) puudripintsel väga hästi. Suur puudripintsel ei ole meigipõhja tegemiseks kõige parem, puuder lendab minema - sobib paremini päikesepuudri ja särapuudri pealekandmiseks. Lame (flat-top) puudripintsel kannab puudri peale katvamalt (loe: paksemalt) kui Studio-seeria ülipehme kabuki. Kabukiga saab õhema, läbikumavama tulemuse. Silmapintslid pole ka pahad, haaravad pigmente hästi ja paigutavad laule, puuduseks on vaid keskmise suurusega silmapintsli puudumine, selle asemel saab ehk peitepuudripintslit kasutada.
Lehvikpintsel tundub mõttetu (väidetavalt kasutatakse silma alla pudenenud lauvärvi eemaldamiseks või väga intensiivse põsepuna pealekandmiseks), samuti ei oska ma midagi peale hakata selle viltuse foundation brush'iga - võibolla sobib kontuurimiseks (kusjuures sobibki! nina ja lõuga on sellega päris hea teha). Põsepunapintsel on veidi imeliku nurgelise kujuga, tipus on nurk, samuti on ta harjumatult väike (väga pehme, sobib täppistööks). Pintslikott haiseb alguses päris vastikult, seda on vaja veidi tuulutada. Mineral-seeria kabukid tuleks ostmata jätta, võrreldes Studio omaga on need ikka väga karedad. Samas - mõned just eelistavad karedaid, search me. Uskumatu aga hind on neil sama.
"I also suspect it eats the powder." :D