Sunday, May 9

List of available TKB colors for the blogsale

I had serious trouble grouping them... So they are now grouped by color group and name. I also marked the ingredients, so that vegans can avoid carmine (red color made of bugs) and purists the non-mmu stuff (lake dyes, even some parabens). Please do not use the stuff marked "not lips" on lips cause they contain either ferric ferrocyanide or chromium oxide green.
I have marked down the initials of the people who have already sent their orders. Two helpings can be made of colors marked as tablespoon (tbs) sized (maybe even 3 if I cannot use the color (namely the blues)) but only one can be made of the teaspoon (tsp) samples.

Siin on kõik mu TKB toonid: tabelisse kandsin ka üldise info koostisosade kohta. Sorteeritud värvigruppide kaupa. Suurused on erinevad, suurem osa on suuremas suuruses kuid mõnedest toonidest annab teha vaid ühe purgi (metallikud, Travel to... sari, Sparks!, osad sodiaagivärvid).

No Color Pigment Size Ingredients 1. 2.
1 beige Apricot Mica  tbs carmine

2 beige Artisan Coral  tbs carmine

3 beige Dusty Rose  tbs

4 beige Echo  tbs

5 beige Ivory Lace Mica tbs
6 beige Oriental Beige  tbs

7 beige Zodiac:  Virgo tsp

8 black Black Mica   tbs

9 black Blackest Black Matte Tone  tbs not lips

10 black Blackstar Blue  tbs

11 black Blackstar Red  tbs

12 blue Blueberry Pop tbs

13 blue Edda’s Got Attitude set: Totally Teal tbs

14 blue Ferric Ferrocyanide tbs

15 blue Indian Blue tbs not lips S.
16 blue Ocean Green tbs not lips JJ
17 blue Zodiac: Capricorn Sea  tsp glycidoxphenol propane/ bisamino-methyl-norbornane copolymer, not lips
18 blue Zodiac: Pisces Blue tbs not lips JJ
19 copper-brown Antique Copper  tbs

20 copper-brown Australian Amber  tbs

21 copper-brown Bronze Fine  tbs

22 copper-brown Bronze Mica  tbs

23 copper-brown Bronzed Gold  tbs

24 copper-brown Brown Oxide Opps  tbs

25 copper-brown Copper Penny tbs

26 copper-brown Dark Brown Oxide  tbs

27 copper-brown Moon Stone Mica  tbs

28 copper-brown Swiss Chocolate Mica  tbs

29 gold-yellow 24K gold  tbs
30 gold-yellow Lemon Drop Pop tbs

31 gold-yellow Mermaid’s gold tbs
32 gold-yellow Metallic Collection Crucible Gold tsp

33 gold-yellow Metallic Collection Crucible Khaki tsp

34 gold-yellow Metallic Collection Forged Gold tsp

35 gold-yellow Ochre Oxide  tbs

36 gold-yellow pop! Collection Lemon drop tbs
37 gold-yellow Radiant Gold  tbs

38 gold-yellow Satin Orange Gold tbs

39 gold-yellow Tangerine Pop tbs

40 gold-yellow Verdigris Gold Mica  tbs

41 gold-yellow Yellow Oxide  tbs

42 gray Antique Silver  tbs
43 gray Metallic White tbs

44 gray Storm tbs
45 green After Twilight  tbs not lips

46 green Apple Green Pop tbs

47 green Breath of Spring tbs not lips JJ
48 green China Jade tbs not lips

49 green Chromium Oxide Green  tbs not lips

50 green Cyprus Green tbs
51 green Edda’s Got Attitude set: Lotsa Lime tbs

52 green Glimmer Green  tbs not lips

53 green Green Apple tbs parabens, lakes, not lips JJ
54 green Irish Eye Dublin tbs parabens, lakes
55 green Irish Eye Limerick tbs

56 green Irish Eye Lucky Green tbs parabens, lakes
57 green Pennsylvania Green tbs not lips JJ
58 green Shamrock Green tbs not lips JJ Kr.
59 green Zodiac:  Aquarius Mica  tbs not lips

60 green Zodiac: Taurus Orion  tsp glycidoxphenol propane/ bisamino-methyl-norbornane copolymer, lips no
61 green Twilight Green tbs
62 lilac-purple Aster Hue tbs carmine, not lips
63 lilac-purple Athena Mica  tbs carmine

64 lilac-purple Bishop's Violet  tbs carmine

65 lilac-purple Black Amethyst Mica  tbs carmine

66 lilac-purple Edda’s Got Attitude set: Pure Purple tbs

67 lilac-purple Grape Parfait  tbs carmine, not lips
68 lilac-purple Grape Pop tbs

69 lilac-purple Patagonian Purple   tbs not lips

70 lilac-purple Smokey XXX  tbs

71 lilac-purple Zodiac: Cancerian Heat tsp glycidoxphenol propane/ bisamino-methyl-norbornane copolymer, lake#2
72 lilac-purple Zodiac: Sagittaire tsp glycidoxphenol propane/ bisamino-methyl-norbornane copolymer, lake#2
73 pink-red Angel Wings  tbs carmine

74 pink-red Apple Blossom  tbs carmine

75 pink-red Chameleon fine tbs
89 pink-red Deep Russet tbs

76 pink-red Foliage tbs

77 pink-red Garnet Mica tbs carmine

78 pink-red Hot Mama   tbs

79 pink-red Metallic Collection Crucible Red tsp

80 pink-red Paris Pink Matte Tone  tbs not lips

81 pink-red Pink Crystal  tbs

82 pink-red Raspberry Pop tbs

83 pink-red Red Oxide 170 tbs

84 pink-red Strawberry Pop tbs

85 pink-red Zodiac: Gemini tbs carmine, lake dyes
86 pink-red Zodiac: Scorpio the Eight tbs

87 pink-red Ultramarine Pink  tbs not lips

88 pink-red WinterRose Mica  tbs

90 white Hilite Blue tbs

91 white Hilite Copper tbs

92 white Hilite Gold tbs

93 white Hilite Green tbs

94 white Hilite Orange tbs

95 white Hilite Red tbs

96 white Hilite Violet tbs

97 white Satin Pearl aka Fine White Mica tbs

98 white Satin White tbs
99 white Sparkle tbs

100 white Sparkle Turquoise tbs

101 white Sparkle Violet tbs

102 white Sparks! Aqua tsp

103 white Sparks! Blue tsp

104 white Sparks! Copper tsp

105 white Sparks! Gold tsp

106 white Sparks! Green tsp

107 white Sparks! Purple tsp

108 white Sparks! Red tsp

109 white Sparks!Noble Silver tsp

110 white Starlight Blue tbs

111 white Starlight Gold tbs

112 white Starlight Green tbs

113 white Travel to Earth tsp

114 white Travel to Jupiter tsp

115 white Travel to Mars tsp

116 white Travel to Mercury tsp

117 white Travel to Neptune tsp

118 white Travel to Pluto tsp

119 white Travel to Venus tsp

I have also listed some oxides but please bare in mind - they would be better to use when mixed with some other base, they are very intensive and their consistency is not pleasant to work with - too gritty.


  1. Ma loodan, et Te ei pahanda - pätsasin Teie Buduaari lehelt ELF pintsli pildi.
    Ja TKB värvid on ka super mõnusad;)

  2. Ei ole üldse hullu :). Aga see tuletab mulle meelde, et ma pean selles nimekirjas siin korraliku uuenduse tegema - vahepeal on ju pigmente juurde tulnud :D - nüüd on Coastal Scents ja Conservatorie ka juba esindatud. Tõesti hea meel, et sinised toonid sobisid - ma ise ei suuda neid välja kanda - sinised silmad ja roosakas nahk teevad automaatselt Miss Piggy'ks. :D

  3. Hello, I just found your blog and was wondering if you still have the" Zodiac Taurus Orion" mica available? please contact me @ with the cost & shipping details, if you do. Thank you:)
