It's Christmas again! Although I paid for the gift myself it's still pleasant to receive them. Just why does E.L.F. need to put it in a box 3 sizes too big??
The eyeshadow primer needs some testing before can say anything. It's definitely more liquid then my old one from Manhattan and consistency is thin. I took care to photograph everything in a way that it's possible to see the ingredients list too.
The brown eyeshadow set is superb - warmly recommend, I did not try the pencil. Confident is a really adorable color and very wearable too. Wild reminds me of TKB Trading's Swiss Chocolate, with a wee bit of more gold sparkle. It's the mattest of them all. Elegant is a very good color for highlighting the inner corners - I would not put it on the browbone unless I worked in the circus. Brushes are not bad at all - soft and not shedding... yet.
The E.L.F. mineral eye shadows I got for myself are somewhat disappointing: Socialite is asphalt gray when applied dry. Applied wet it gets more brownish and more suitable for my complexion. I have no idea what went through my head when I ordered Royal - purples are not my colors at all. SInce it's more reddich then pluish purple, I ca probably use ti. Now Confident is a safe bet though.
The sifter holes are huge, instead of removing the sifter cover just poke couple of holes in them - it's more then enough. Jars are 10gr per volume ones with raised bottoms. Jars are not filled to the brim, there's lots of room inside. And lets be honest it's no reason to bitch about since it takes forever to use up one eyeshadow anyhow :D.
E.L.F. mineral eyeshadow swatches: upper photo taken in sunlight, lower in bright daylight.
First glance: I thought Ripe Rose had great promise alas it is very creamy and a lot more pigmented/covering then the previous lipsticks - it's too dark.... Cool Coral is a total miss :S - I thought it'd be orange but it's not - it's bright red. For a blond pale girl like myself best pick has to be Rosy Raisin.
All pics are klickable and can be enlarged.
PS! I may have to revalue Royal (tad reddish sheen on the right) and Socialite (brownish sheen, on the left)... both seem to be exceptionally good for Smoky eye. At least in artificial light (just primer and eyeshadow, no mascaras or liners).
Üldiselt võib E.L.F.'i hauliga rahul olla kui huulepulgad välja arvata: Cool Coral pole piisavalt oranž ning Ripe Rose on liiga tumepunane minu jume jaoks. Pruunist silmameigikompletist saab väga ilusa kingi, Confident on haruldaselt hea värv. Elegant on talutav highlighterina ja Wild on vastupidiselt oma nimele tegelikult suht igav kakapruun. Kompletis olev hajutuspintsel erineb veidi kodulehel olevast, millel tundub nagu olevat teravam tipp. PS! I may have to revalue Royal (tad reddish sheen on the right) and Socialite (brownish sheen, on the left)... both seem to be exceptionally good for Smoky eye. At least in artificial light (just primer and eyeshadow, no mascaras or liners).
1-dollarilised hajutuspintslid tunduvad esialgsel pealevaatamisel ok olema ning üksiklauvärvid polegi nii hullud. Loodetavasti sõbrantsile meeldib ta roheline Earthy ning mina saan hakata suitsusilma harjutama oma Royal'i ja Socialite'ga. Viimane on kuivalt ja päevavalguses nagu märg asfalt, eemaldab mu näost viimasegi värvikübeme ja tõmbab mu üleni plassiks. Niiskel pealekandmisel muutub alustoon külmaks tumepruuniks - see juba sobib..
Lauvärvi aluskreem on väga vedela koostisega ja mulle tundub küll vägagi õline - tuleb ettevaatlikult peale kanda, sest minul läks esimesel korral juba see kreem ise lauvakku kokku. Aplikaator annab korraga liiga palju välja. Järsku on seda üldse vaja enne raputada, et paremini seguneks? Eks ta odav asi ole, kui kehv siis kehv ja kui joppab siis joppab.
Nüüd jääb üle veel vaid Studio-seeria haul ka ära oodata :).
Thank's for the swatches, really usefull, as the colours don"t seem to be accurate on the website...
ReplyDeleteOh the colors there are a joke indeed :D. I hope the girl for whom I ordered the green eye shadow, is pleased with it. I told her to google E.L.F. swatches but I'm not sure she did - she wanted an olive green but I think she got a medium golden one.
ReplyDeleteDo you have E.L.F. stuff yourself too?
Yeah i ordered some stuff about 1year and a half ago, when they launched their french site (even if i ordered in US and my brother gave me the products when he came back home). I was a little disappointed with the regular line, the eye liner has a terrific smell ! But the shadows are actually pretty nice. I have a trio palette and happy with it, especially when i travel. I kept the pencil gloss too, even if the smell and the texture are not on the perfect side.
ReplyDeleteBut i'm quite tempted with the liptick from the studio line, they look cool !
Väga huvitav E-L-F-i haul, olen ka ise mõelnud tellida aga tekisid mõned küsimused. Kui sa usa kodulehelt militaryna tellisid palju sul postikulu tuli? Ja see uus seadus siin Eestis, et kas postikulu kuulub selle 344 krooni hulka et tolli ja käibemaksu ei tuleks? Mis siis veel tahaks küsida...tead sa midagi E.L.F-i põsepunadest? Kodulehel kõik kiidavad aga kuidas tegelikult on? ja kuidas sulle candy shop lipgloss meeldib?
ReplyDeletePostikulu on neil flat-rate ehk siis 6,95 kõigile, ka armeerahvale. Tollist öeldi mulle, et paki väärtus (ilma postikuluta siis) peab olema alla 22 euro aga ma neid eriti ei usuks. Võta nende infotelefon ette ja küsi üle. Soomlastel on saatmiskulud ka nende 45 EUR miinimumi sisse määratud. Candy Shop'i on mul küll juba 2x tulnud kuid ma olen nad proovimata ära andnud. Selle tumepunase kohta tuli tagasisidet, et väga ilus olevat. Mulle hakkas nende lõhn veidi vastu.
ReplyDeleteELFi põsepunadest ei tea ma suurt miskit - sa peaksid veidi netis kondama ja swatche vaatama. Studio -seeria omi kiidetakse tõesti väga palju. Võibolla ka Makeupalley't pisut uurida?
Ma olen varsti juba väga mures oma Studio pintslitellimuse pärast...
Mina jälle. Kahju et sul emaili pole blogisse pandud, pean siit koguaeg sult pärima skäima:D
ReplyDeleteMa vaatan et sul ei ole ikka veel see teine elfi pakk kohale jõudnud.
Aga ma ei tea, tellisin ka elf-st panin et olen see euroopa military aadressid ja värgid,tegin tellimuse ära. raha võtsid ka maha aga siis mingi nädal hiljem saadavad mulle kirja et..jaa tegelt 2:
his is to confirm that you have cancelled your order with e.l.f. Cosmetics. Your credit card has been authorized only, and will not be charged. We are sorry that you have chosen to cancel and are looking forward to doing business with you in the future.
We apologize for any confusion. We do not ship internationally. We have refunded your credit card in full and apologize for any inconvenience.
Igatahes mai teinud midgai. Kuidas sina küll tellitud said?. Võibolla asi on selles et ma ei maksnud paypaliga, kuigi mis vahet sel on. Või kuidas? MIs nipiga sa tellitud said? :D
E-mailiaadress on blogi üleval paremas nurgas disclaimeris :)
ReplyDeleteAga minu viimatine (3.) pakk reisis 2-3 korda New Jersey ja New Yorgi vahel enne kui kiri tuli, et vabandame aadress vist vale ja et kanname raha tagasi.
Mina arvan (ja üha veendunumalt) et nad on shippingu-osakonnas kellelegi sõnad peale lugenud, et kohas nimega Estonia pole sõjaväebaase. Liiga suur Eesti-pakkide arv oli vist juba tekkinud. Ma sain oma 2 tellimust tõenäoliselt ainult tänu mingile õnnejuhusele kätte. Esimesed said pakid kätte ja hilisemad tellijad enam ei saanud. Võibolla kui järgmine kord proovida "Tallinn, Finland"? Soomest ma arvan et osataks pakki edasi suunata küll :D.
Kas soomes on neil see jõjaväebaas muidu? mul tuli meelde,et ma saan sinna tuttavatele küll saata. Aga palju see soome piirmäär oli, et mingeid makse juurde ei tuleks, on sul aimu?
ReplyDeletePole ka Soomes baase - kuid Finland kirjutatakse teistmoodi kui Estonia, vo aitab see hädast välja. Soome saadetava paki piirmäär on 45 eur - alla selle pakke ei maksustata. (kauba väärtus+saatmine < 45 EUR)
ReplyDeleteGreat swatches! Thank you for the awesome comparisons and pictures :)
ReplyDeleteFound your blog while searching for swatches on the Mineral eyeshaodws...Love that smoky eye look. Did you apply the shadows wet? They sure look vibrant. I can't believe how brown Socialite looks, on the e.l.f. website it appears to be so grey!
ReplyDeleteHi Silvia, I think I put lots of that mineral primer underneath and the base was still a bit sticky. Socialite looks different in different lighting. I have some more recent swatches of them too,
ReplyDeleteThose murky broken shades are my favorite, they're so multidimensional and not downright flat like the mattes :)