Sunday, February 7

Weekend EOTD's: Green and black

Dabbled in green on Friday but the color did not exactly meet my expectations... all the hilites and sparkles somehow managed not to show in the end result.
Mixed Green Apple with TKB's eyeshadow base, Radiant Gold and Hilite Blue - almost looks the same as Green Apple itself does, only somewhat cooler (as in "less warm").
Used it all over lid and then decided to try the trick I've seen done many times - applied black pigment in the crease to make the color there a bit more saturated - a mistake. I should have applied the black there first and then apply the green all over lid color. I mended it with some more Green Apple in the crease. Satin Orange Gold in inner corners and on the browbone, some Breath of Spring used to blend up from the crease. I am really, really disappointed in the EDM dome blending brush...

Now the dark one: colors used are Blackest Black in the crease, Blackstar Red all over lid, Hilite Red in inner corners and blended upwards from crease, EDM's Pearl Sunlight under the eyes and Fair Neutral as foundi and as highlighter on the browbone. All dry application, picture taken in daylight. Pardon the lack of symmetry, still learning how to blend. HOW  DO  THEY  DO  IT?!?!
Skin feels terribly dry and flaky, MMU makes me look a bit wrinkly now.


  1. The green look is absolutely gorgeous <3

  2. Väga kaunid! Eriti meeldib viimane tumedam puna-must kombinatsioon.

  3. Thanks! :)
    I just wish the bloody thing would turn out symmetrical for once :S
